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"And another fact is If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar." Spencer talked to Seaver the new agent. 

You tried to make friends with her since she was going to be part of the team, but you just didn't like her. She was nice to everyone and she was a little too nice to some people. 

She always laughed at what Spencer was saying or she would intentionally put her hand on his shoulder. It pissed you off to no end. Like she didn't know that she was flirting with your man. She knew all along that Spencer was yours.

"You should maybe come over, I have some Star Trek movies that we could watch." You watched her touch his arm as he was getting coffee. You rolled your eyes and got up out of your seat. Your legs were carrying you to them, but they only stopped when Hotch moved in front of you. "Did you get those files I asked for?" You shook your head 'no'

You were glad that you didn't get to her sooner cause you would have snatched her hair up and threw her like a rag doll. 

The day went on and more flirting from Seaver. She was just feeling so flirty today.

"Hey Y/n." Morgan walked up to you. 

"Hi!" You yelled at him coldly.

"Whoa whoa cupcake, what's got you so down?" 

You pointed to Seaver who was still talking to Reid. You felt steam raise in you and your blood was boiling. You wanted to cry, but you knew that would be a petty reason to cry. Spencer would never do anything to hurt you.

"It's fine, pretty boy doesn't know she's flirting, if he did then he would have already told her to stop." Morgan reassured you.

"But right now I'm going to force her to stop." You got up and made your way to them and sat on Spencer's lap.

"Y/n what are you doing?" Spencer frantically whispered. You never did things like this at work. Of course at home you could sit on his lap and do whatever. Right now it wasn't professional to sit on his lap.

"I'm usually nice, but since you want to keep flirting with my man I'm gonna have to be a bit of a bitch." You leaned so your eyes were at direct level with hers. "Spencer is mine and if you flirt with him, I will beat you down." You sat up straight making sure she could see your lips connect with Spencer's. 

She huffed and stood from her seat. "Bye Seaver." You got off Spencer lap to see him smirking. 

"5 days 16 hours 11 minutes and 3 seconds." Was all he said.


"I was timing how long it would take you to snap off at her." Spencer admitted. "That was how long."

"Spencer!" You lightly pushed him and sighed. "She thinks I'm a real bitch now."

"We'll get it all cleared up." Spencer pulled you back down onto his lap. "I love when you get jealous." He kissed your cheek. "So feisty." 

A/N: The facts are actually true in this one 

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