What's Right pt.4

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You started to wake after a while. Your limbs could start moving, but you couldn't speak. You tried, but you couldn't. 

You opened your eyes and looked around the room. The bright lights made you cringe and squeeze them shut. 

"You're up?" The woman spoke to you with a soft voice. "Spence is just outside the door."

"Um...thanks...but who's Spence?" You tried to remember. 

"Oh no no no." The woman with blonde hair walked out the room calling the doctor. 

A man slipped in and looked at you. "Y/n? How are you?"

"Spence! wait!" The woman came back in with a doctor by her side. "She doesn't remember you."

"Y/n can you tell me what you remember?" The doctor asked.

"I jumped out the window cause this guy was chasing me."

"Yes that's what happened, but why can't she remember us." JJ asked.

The doctor ushered them out into the hallway. "She's experiencing some sort of long term memory loss. She should gain her memory back but it will take awhile."

"How long?" Spencer started to panic. He couldn't lose you.

"It depends, if she is open to remembering then it should be faster, but if she chooses not to remember then it may take longer."

"So I have to make her remember?"

"Yes, and she should be ready to check out tonight." 

"Thank you doctor." Spencer told her and then rushed back inside the room with you. 

"So you don't remember me?" Spencer sighed.

"I shouldn't forget such a cute face like that." You stated confidently. 

Spencer chuckled and went to your side. "You're always like that." He reached for your hand, but remembered that you might not react well.

"Who are you, like what do you mean to me."

"Y-your everything to me, the love of my life." Spencer grabbed your hand, not caring if you didn't like it.

"The love of your life? We must be very close then, or are you lying to me?"

"I'd never lie to you."


"Never, but before you came here and before you jumped out of the building, you told me that you stopped lying when you met me, I know you might not remember, but what did you keep from me?"

"I don't know, and I don't understand why you would think I would remember something like that."

"Just a thought." 

It was a thought that was haunting Spencer. What did you mean when you said those words. It would haunt Spencer as he stayed and watched you get comfortable with your surroundings. Hotch had gave him time off so he could watch you. You adjusted quicker than he expected. There were still things that you didn't understand.

"So how are you liking things?" He asked you.

"I think I'm starting to feel like this is home." You said. 

"I'm going to go back to work today, do you think you'll be alright?"

"Yeah I got this."

Once Spencer left you felt slightly out of place. So you wondered around and wondered into the bedroom you once shared with him. You were sleeping in the guest room until you got your memory back. You wondered around the house for the longest. Everyday he was gone you looked at a new area of the apartment.

You found a box under his bed when you were snooping. You knew you shouldn't have opened it but you did. You found letters addressed to another woman and from another woman. 

Then that's when you felt it. All the memories came flooding back to you. You dropped the letters onto the floor. Part of it was heartbreak and the other part was anger. 

Spencer lied to you. He said he would never lie to you. 

"Y/n I'm home." He called from the front door. 

You took the letters in your hand and went to confront him. "What are these?"

He said nothing.

"Answer me Spencer!" 

"They're letters."

"You told me that I was the love of your life, but these letters say it's Maeve." You threw them at him. "And yes I do have my memory back, and you wanna know what I lied to you about?"


"I didn't lie at all. I love you Spencer. I never lied to you." You yelled at him. "But you didn't even tell me everything about you and Maeve. Don't I deserve to know that you loved her."

"Yes and I should have told you, but I thought you wouldn't understand."

"I do understand that she was your first love and that she meant a lot, but I'm here now."

"I know and I love you." He pulled you in for a hug. "I'll never lie to you again."

"Next time do what's right and don't hide stuff from me." You gave him a peck on the cheek.

A/N: Here is the part 4 many of you wanted. I hope it was okay I couldn't really find the plot to it, but I tried hard on it. 

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