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"Alright Morgan whatever you say!" You lightly pushed Morgan. It looked like you were flirting, but that's just how you are. Spencer knew that's how you are, but this time it was different. You were flirting.

Later that night since a case didn't come in everyone went home. Spencer stood awkwardly while you and JJ talked about girls night.

Once you got home you sighed and put your keys on the table. "Hey Spence, can you help with my zipper?" You pointed to your dress.

Spencer unzipped the black dress. His hands shook as he thought about what he was going to say next.

"You and Morgan are so unprofessional with each other." Spencer said.

You were walking away when he said it. You turned around to look at him in the eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You flirt Y/n I get that, but with Morgan it's almost like it's real for you." Spencer said.

"Spencer! How many times have I told you that I love you and only you?!" You yelled at him.

"Morgan doesn't know when to stop and you don't either. You flirt with each other like it's no big deal."

"You know that's just who I am." You rolled your eyes.

"You flirt with guys right in front of me Y/n! You act like a hoe!" Spencer didn't even realize what he was saying until he said it.

"Goodnight Reid." You said coldly as you left the living. You went to your room and slammed the door.

Spencer stood watching the closed door for a while before he decided to sleep on the couch.

You walked into the BAU with a white shirt and a black pencil skirt. Your hair was in a bun and you had heels on. This wasn't your usual outfit. You usually had black jeans with a black shirt on and chuck taylors.

Spencer's head turned when he saw you enter. He had left before you, just in case you were still upset at him. Rossi was talking to him, but he didn't hear a word he was saying.

He watched you involuntarily get stopped by Morgan who had his charm face on. You rolled your eyes and pushed through him to your desk.

"What's wrong little lady?"

"Morgan can you stop? Just stop please!" You asked and pleaded.

"Stop what?" He was confused.

"Stop the nicknames and the flirting, keep that to yourself and Savannah."

"Alright okay, I'm sorry if I offended you."

"No it's not your fault it's mine, I shouldn't be the big flirt I am."  You stood up and walked past Spencer. You were still really pissed about what he said so you weren't going to give him a break anytime soon.

"I hope this is professional enough for you Dr. Reid." You walked past him and Rossi.

Spencer wanted to say something to you, but you were already walking into the conference room.

"Reid what happened between you and Y/n?" Morgan walked up to Spencer and Rossi.

"We had a fight and I called her something that shouldn't have come out of my mouth- excuse me." Spencer made his way to the conference room where he found you talking to JJ and Garcia.

"Hey." He gave an awkward wave to them. "Can I talk to Y/n alone?"

"As long as you promise not to call her names." Garcia said.

"Garcia..." you sighed. They left you alone with Spencer to talk.

"What's up?" You asked.

"You left early, but got here late."

"So..." you shrugged.

"Where were you?"

"Out- Spencer do you really need to know where I was?"

"Y/n look I'm so sorry okay. I never meant to say what I said and I wish that I didn't say it." Spencer walked closer to you.

"I'm sorry too Spencer. I guess I really wasn't paying attention to my flirting." You looked him in the eyes.

Spencer engulfed you in a tight hug. You relaxed into the hug and hugged him back. His hand stroked your back. You played with his hair.

"I love your professional outfit, but please change because it's not you." Spencer whispered in your ear. You giggled and nodded your head.

"I love you Dr. Spencer Reid."

"I love you too unprofessional Y/n." You guys pulled away when the team started filing in.

A/N: Pray for Manchester everyone please. Keep them in your prayers

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now