Please tell him

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Sum: Like what happened with Prentiss and Doyle but with you and another person and the lovely Spencer Reid. Enjoy. I Change pov a lot in this. And I go fast with the time 

spencer pov

"Y/n no, no, no stay with me!" I held Y/n hand as she was being carted off into the surgery room. "You need to stay back sir." The doctor pushed me back. "Reid! Stop! They have to do surgery on her." Morgan held me back. I cried harder than I already was crying. 

Y/n pov 

I heard beeping and saw the doctor hovering over me. "Okay y/n we are going to give you this drug that will make it seem like you died." I was so confused, JJ came by my side. "Jake is still out there and he won't stop until he kills you, so we have to do what we did to Prentiss." 

"The Doyle thing?" She nodded. "Okay." I cried knowing my life was over until they could find my ex boyfriend that I was undercover with. Just like Prentiss and Doyle, but Jake was a drug lord and going undercover was the best option for me and London team. "I'm sorry, but it's time for me to put you to sleep, when I do, you won't wake up for about maybe 4 hours. You will feel like you're dead, but I assure you, you are alive." 

"I understand, do it." I sniffed. I felt my whole body tense and then I drifted into a death like sleep.

Spencer pov 

"Spence, I'm so sorry." JJ pulled me into a hug as I looked over my dead girlfriends body. "It's only been a year." I cried. "I know, she loved you though, she really did." JJ pulled away sniffing. "I wanna be alone with her please." JJ nodded and left me alone. I stared down at y/n, wishing she was still here so I could hold her. "I was gonna save this for your birthday... but... I-I guess I can't." I pulled out the black box that I kept in my desk. I slipped it on her finger letting kissing her forehead. "I love you so much y/n, I never will stop loving you." 

"Oh my-, y/n is really dead!" Garcia cried. The room was filing now with the team. They cried with me as they mourned over her death. Emily understanding and being her best friend, crying harder then i've ever seen her cry. Morgan letting a few tears fall as he let Garcia cry on his shoulder. Rossi and Hotch keeping a brave face on them even though they were deeply hurt. "Reid, you were going to ask her to marry you?" JJ questioned. "On her birthday." The room fell silent and then back to the shallow weeps of a torn apart family. 


Y/n pov 

"How was my funeral?" I asked JJ, I was ashamed that I had to do this. "Y/n Spence is torn apart about this." I played with the diamond ring on my finger. "I know, I should have told you guys when the Doyle thing was happening."

"It's not your fault you had to keep that secret." JJ told me. "Something just occurred to me..." JJ started. "What?"

"Spencer has some good taste in jewelry, look at that rock on your finger." I laughed. "JJ I need you to do something for me..." I got serious.

"I need you to tell Spence that I'm alive." JJ sighed. "Do you think he will forgive us?" 

"JJ it doesn't matter to me anymore, I don't care if Hotch says no, I love him and I need him."  I pleaded to her. "I know y/n, I know, I will tell him."

"Tell him where I will be and that when ever he wants to visit he can okay." I started getting happy that she would tell him. "Okay I will, You know I will, you're like family, I'll help you through this." 

"Thank you, You know you're the best right?" She smirked nodding.


Spencer pov 

I sat at my desk not being able to focus. The empty feeling of y/n not being here is bothering me. The only thing that made me feel the same was y/n and I's picture of us together. 

"Spence, I need to talk to you." JJ came up to my desk. "In a minute." 

"No, now." She demanded. "Fine." I stood up, we walked to the corner. "I need to tell you something and I'm gonna come by you and y/n apartment tonight and tell you." 


"Okay, bye." She sighed. That was weird. 


I opened the door to see JJ. "Hey, um how are you?" She asked.

"I could be better." I could see her looking around. "Spence... nothing is out of place?"

"So..." I asked, she was clearly profiling me. "Nothing..."

"Not to be rude, but why are you here." I could tell that really hurt her. "I need to show you something." She pulled out a envelope. "What is this?" She handed it to me. I tore it open reading it. "Y/n is alive?" JJ nodded. "I know you're mad, and I'm sorry I lied to you, but I had to." The file was just about her being alive it didn't tell me where she was 

"I don't care if you lied to me, all I care about is where y/n is." 

"London, she's in London, I'll give you the address when she gives it to me, but Spence be careful, the team cannot know about this, Hotch knows so don't worry about him." I nodded looking back at the file. "JJ um thanks."

"Y/n made me promise that I would tell you, she really does love you Spence." She smiled walking to the door. "I have to go I promised Henry that I would play with him today. Bye Spencer." JJ left and I jumped up and down. 


few weeks later y/n pov 

I was watching tv when a knock on the door startled me. "Oh my god, it's 9 freaking o'clock." Then I fell still and grabbed my gun off the coffee table. I carefully walked over to the door looking through the peep hole. "Spencer?" I opened the door seeing the love of my life standing looking awkward. "Y/n!" 

"Spence!" I jumped in his arms. He walked us into my apartment spinning me around. My body still sore from me getting shot but I didn't care as long as I had him by my side. "I missed you so much, so, so much." He cried in the crook of my neck. "I missed you too, and I love you so much." I brought his face to mine and kissed him. "I love you too."

There might be a two part of this 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now