Not a party

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"Emily! Wait up!" You called to your sister, you were of course adopted, but you still loved your sister dearly. She was currently trying to get you a a dress for a party she was taking you to. 

"Y/n come on, I found this one, its purple do you like it?"

"I guess, but it's kinda fancy don't you think?"

"Well where we're going is fancy so you like it and I'm buying it for you." You sighed and gave up as she made her way to the counter to check out. 

"Who's going to be at this party?"You asked when she handed you the dress. "Colleagues of mine. Why?" You shook your head and kept quiet the rest of the time until you got to her apartment. You were staying with her for a couple months to see if you wanted to get a job as a professor at the college. 

"Y/n it's time to get ready for the party..." Prentiss walked in holding her makeup bag. You didn't wear a lot of makeup because you didn't like the idea of having to wipe it off afterwards. When you did wear makeup you always woke up to it smudged on your pillow. 

You put your book down and followed her to the bathroom where she applied a minimum amount of makeup.

"I feel like a princess!" You shouted sarcastically. 

"Whatever." Emily sighed finishing the lipstick she was applying to herself. She handed you the dress and told you to put it on. You followed her orders since you felt that your sister was a scary woman. 

"It's actually really pretty Em." You said spinning around. "Yes and I love the color on you."

"But you don't really like purple."

"I said on you!"

"Oh. Oops." You sighed.

Emily took you to a big house that looked very expensive and you knew that no one can afford a house like it on a BAU paycheck. "Wow this is cool, not bigger than ours tho." 

"This is my friend Rossi's house." She pulled you through the gates that lead to his back yard. You were surprised when you found a group of people just sitting by the fire.

"You said this was a party Em." You whispered. "It is, it's just a calm party."

"Whatever, I'm going home." Em pulled you back by your hair causing you to wince in pain. 

"You aren't leaving, trust me it's gonna be fine." You followed her lead to the small group of people. You put on a smile and met her pace. "Hey guys I brought someone that I would like you to meet." Emily guided you into the group.

"This is my adopted sister Y/n." You gave a small wave to the group. "Oh heres a seat!" Emily pushed you down next to a handsome man. "Hi, I'm Y/n." You waved to him. 


"Nice to meet you Spencer." You smiled a bright smile that sent small rivers down his spine.

"Y/n this is the rest of the team, Morgan, Hotch, JJ, Rossi, and Penelope."

"Nice to meet you guys." You shook all of their hands. 

"So Y/n what bring you here?" Morgan asked.

"I'm looking for a college who needs a professor in mathematics and history." You answered the question.

"Well pretty boy over here might could help you with that." He motioned towards Spencer. 

"Really?" You turned towards him.

"Yeah Spence is the teams genius." JJ said.

"Well maybe you'll have to be my tour guide, because Emily isn't the best." Everyone laughed. 

"What?! I'm the best tour guide ever."

"Last week you left me on the subway and I got lost downtown."

"You said you were ready..."

"No I said I'm not ready." You giggled.

"I wouldn't leave you on the subway, just so you know." Spencer added.


As the night went on you and Spencer hit it off and you found yourself kinda falling for him. You grabbed Emily and whispered in her ear.

"By the way this is still not a party." You said before turning back to Spencer. 

A/N: this is really short and I'm sorry.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now