Daddy pt.2**

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Warning: Language, kinky stuff blah blah yeah


Black reader

After your talk with Spencer about his kink, you couldn't stop thinking about it. You had so many questions that you would have to ask later.

So after the case and on the plane you snuck closer to him on the couch.

"So I've been thinking and I want to know more about this daddy kink." You whispered so no one else would hear.

Spencer looked up from his book and looked around at everyone sleeping figures. The only one up was Hotch and he was busy going through files.

"What do you want to know?" He closed the book.

"Like what do I do in this."

"You follow my rules like a good girl and do everything I say or you will get punished." Spencer slid his palm up your thigh.

You looked over at Hotch and then back at Spencer with worried eyes.

"Be a good girl and be quiet." Spencer nibbled at the spot behind your ear, earning a soft whimper, then all of a sudden the pleasure is taken away.

"You didn't follow directions babygirl, you'll have to be punished for that."

The thing is you liked being called a 'good girl' it was the most bizarre thing you've ever thought about. You were also kinda excited about what was to come with your punishment.

You looked up at Hotch and then back at Spencer. You wanted- no needed attention from Spencer. You weren't going to make it without just a little bit of his touch. 

"Please Spencer please I'll do anything." You silently begged. 


"Yes, I'll be a good girl if that's what you want." You frantically offered. 

Spencer put his hand on your thigh and crept his way up. "Be patient and you'll get rewarded." 

You huffed, but remembered that you have to be a good girl or you may not get your reward. You sat and waited and suffered until you got off the plane with Spencer. 

"We have some business to finish don't we sweetheart?" Spencer whispered in your ear. 

"Yes!" You rushed to get in the drivers seat of the car, your mind was set on getting to the house. However, Spencer was taking forever to get in the car so he could make you wait. 

"Baby slow down." Spencer chuckled as I rushed into the apartment. 

"I can't... not when you're fucking with me Spencer." You pushed him against the door. 

"I think you forgot who's running this show." 

"No please I'm sorry."

"Bedroom now." He growled and you scurried to the room.

You were already stripped by time he got in the room. All layers were gone.

"Spencer!" You screamed as he pushed you back onto the bad with full force. You didn't even have time to process what was going on before his lips were attached to your clit.

You moaned out at the sudden contact. You were high on bliss when he started to lick up and down, his tongue dipping down into your core, teasing you to no end. You grabbed his hair and tried to push him deeper, but that only made him more angry. 

"No touching." Spencer slapped your butt. He'd never slapped your butt ever in all the time you'd know him, but you were so turned on by it. You didn't even know you liked him spanking you.

"Please." You wiggled your behind into his hands, wanting to get punished for what you had done.

"You like that?" Spencer said as he added a couple more slaps.

"Daddy please." You begged, after he'd stepped away for a minute. You heard his pants drop to the floor and you knew that he was getting undressed. 

Spencer flipped you over and trusted into you. You weren't expecting the sudden pleasure so you screamed. 

Spencer gave you time to adjust, but not soon after that was he back at it again. Speeding up his pace and slowing it down at the same time. 

"Please Please Please!" You moaned out. You didn't even know why you were begging, but it was helping because spencer was reaching his high. 

"Come on baby girl, let it go." Spencer rubbed hard circles on your clit. 

"Daddy!" You moaned out. 

"Y/n!" Spencer spilt inside you after your release. 

You both panted out of breath. That was the best you and Spencer ever had. Spencer went to grab a washcloth to clean you up. 

"So... Daddy kink?" You asked when he came back from discarding the washcloth. 

Spencer chuckled and put the covers over you and him. 

A/N: So I'm sorry if this late, I've been trying to get situated with school. I actually had a panic attack today, but I know no one cares. I hope the person who requested this enjoyed it. 

P.S. If you can't tell, I got my computer back so I can write faster on here. 

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