Slow Motion

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Everything you did was in slow motion to Spencer. It was overused to other people, but to Spencer it was the only word to describe what he was feeling.

When you would walk through the doors in your work suit and heels, Spencer slowed down your movements to enjoy you just a little longer.

He saw your head fall back in laughter as you talked to Elle. He knew it was weird to be staring at you but what could he do?

Then there was when you worked out in the FBI gym. Again it was wrong to stare at you, but when Spencer saw the way you threw your head back in exhaustion. Slow motion all over again.

It was slow motion when you ran to him when he was taken by Tobias. You engulfed him in a a bone crushing hug.

It was slow motion when you watched a case go wrong because of a mistake you made.

He watched as you slowly fell apart and eventually leave the team.

That was the last time he ever saw anything in slow motion again. Until today...

Spencer was hopping around on his crutches when you walked through the door once again.

"Y/n?" Spencer called out your name.

"Spence?" Your hair flipped in slow motion when you turned your head.

You hugged him but you were careful of his hurt leg.

"What happened?" You asked.

"Bullet to the knee."

"Oh I'm sorry that happened."

"What have you been doing?"

"Well I went and spent time with family." She lifted her hand up to show her shiny ring. "Got engaged."

"Oh..." Spencer was crushed. His heart hurt more than ever now.

"But I wanted to come back because I'm ready." You told him.

You couldn't be in slow motion anymore he didn't want you to be anyway.

"Good for you Y/n."

A/N: sorry this was short I'm just now getting back home, but I need some request or something cause I'm bored.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now