Cue the Hot Guy*

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Warning: Language, slight smut

Spencer and You had a nice relationship, very nice. So nice to the point where you were sleeping together. No one knew about the relationship. It wasn't friend's with benefits, the two of you have feelings for each other.

So when you came in for work covered in bruises all over your neck some people had some questions. "Y/n what's with the hickeys" Emily asked. "They're everywhere." She laughed.

"Shit! Really?" You rushed to the bathroom with her hot on your trail. You started to apply more makeup than you did in the morning. It must have started sweating off your neck on the way to the BAU.

She had a sly smirk on her face. "So who's the guy you took home last night?" She asked still smirking.

You smirked back at her. "Stop, it was nothing, just a little thing that went nowhere." Which is a lie, because it went everywhere.

Emily left it at that and followed you out the bathroom. Your eyes locked eyes with Spencer's and you departed from Emily to walk to Spencer who was sitting reading a book at his desk. "You painted a sunset on my neck, makeup only covers so much." you whispered to him.

He blushed a little, cutie Reid. "Sorry. But given the recent statistics about orgasms, a woman can have up to 4 in a night without being overly overstimulated. I was wondering if we could test that theory maybe?" He raised a brow biting his lip, hoping to get a yes from you."

"You're lucky you're hot." I admitted. "Don't worry, just wait till we get home, I'll add to those marks." You winked and walked away. Spencer stared shamelessly at your ass as you walked off. You smirked and bit your lip when you felt his stares.

"Pretty lady." Morgan said. "You gotta a little pep in your step?"

"So what if I do?" You smirked up at him.

He shook his head. "Nothing, just wondering what got you so happy?" He teased. "A little birdie told me you had a wild night." He laughed.

You rolled your eyes and turned to see Prentiss talking to JJ. "So what if I did?" You cocked your head to the side and stared up at him. "If I knew what you want me to say then I'll say it, but other than that I don't know why we're standing here Morgan." You never broke eye contact.

"Guys Hotch wants us." Garcia interrupted the conversation.

You left Morgan to himself and everyone went to gather up. After everyone got on the plane and everything was talked through you got off the plane and met the sheriff. You started working to build a profile.

Spencer pulled you into an empty storage room when you walked past it. "What the hell Spencer?" You whisper shouted.

"Are we meeting in your room or mine?" He asked quickly.

"Yours. Why?" You crossed your arms in front of him.

He licked his lips and said nothing at first. "Just wanted to know the plan. Walk out before me." He pressed a kiss to your nose then your cheek. He was like that, always liked to show his affection.

Later on the night after everyone called it quits, you heard a knock at your door. You opened it knowing that it was Spencer. He stood in the doorway shyly before you pulled him in. "I was just about to shower, care to join me?" You asked undoing your robe in front of him.

You fell onto the bed in a hungry search for Spencer's touch. You kissed and nibbled down his jawline to his still wet chest. Slowly rolling your hips into his as he groaned out. "Spencer..." You whispered breathlessly as he kiss your already marked neck.

"Shh I got you." Spencer turned you over and started finishing you off. But not before there was a knock at the door. You groaned pushed Spencer off and getting up angrily to open the door.

"What!?" You asked staring at the two people in front of you. You had put your robe back on.

"What's wrong with you? We just wanted to ask if you wanted to go get some drinks?" Emily asked. "Did we interrupt your beauty sleep?"

You shook your head and sighed. "If you'd excuse me I want to go back to sleep." You went to close the door.

"You seen pretty boy around, he hasn't answered my calls and he won't answer his door." Morgan asked.

You raised a brow. "I see, you two are trying to see if me and Spencer are sleeping together, well we're not goodnight." You closed the door and walked back to the bed.

"Morgan and Emily?" He asked and you nodded.

In the morning you both went into the police station and started getting to work. "Ooo pretty ricky's finally getting some." Morgan teased. Spencer's nose scrunched up in confusion until he quickly found a mirror and saw where you left your very dark marks on his skin.

"Damn right he is Morgan." You rolled your eyes and brought Spencer down for a kiss.

"I knew it, pay up Morgan!" Emily held out her hand.

"Stay on track." Hotch said

"Are you happy now Derek?"

"No I had to pay her!" He whined

A/N: Wattpad wants to be a stupid fuck so I'm posting this again. Anything I said before is gone and yeah fuck Wattpad

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