Keep us Together

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You groaned when you heard Spencer phone ringing on the other side of the bed. You rolled your eyes when he answered it.

"You have a case?" You asked tiredly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I'll try to be there if I can." Spencer said while going to put his clothes on.

"No- Spencer you won't make it, it's in the morning." You sighed sitting up.

"I'm sorry Y/n." Spencer kissed your forehead and headed into the bathroom.

"Yeah whatever." You huffed.

You had a doctors appointment in the morning. You had missed your period and now you were worried. Spencer said that pregnancy test are usually wrong. Spencer was supposed to be there, but he wouldn't be able to now.

It's cool if we ain't got every thing figured out
'Cause love ain't got all the answers baby
This mess we in, they don't ever really talk about it
But that don't mean we can't navigate it

Spencer felt bad about leaving you at home. He knew this was important to you, but he had to do his job.

You sat in bed crying. It was now the 3 time that his job got in the way of important things.

It's unpredictable
But I feel so good about it
I'm not saying that we can climb it
Ain't no way to get around it
Take this open road
And I wanna get it right
We can't win if we don't try
And I'm scared I can't deny it

While Spencer was out solving a case you were heading to the doctors office.

"Ms. Y/l/n? Where is Dr. Reid?" Your doctor asked as you leaned back onto the table.

"He had to work." You said coldly.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." She took the pee test bottle from your hand.

"So am I."

Well if it ain't enough
We just gonna give up?
It ain't easy trying to stay in love
Are we gonna walk out?
When it rains
Tell me we got enough of our love to keep us together
Said we got enough of our love to keep us together

You went home with a heavy heart. So much was on your shoulders now. You wanted your true love to be by your side, but no. The job always seemed to come first.

Tears fell from your e/c eyes as you packed a bag. You took all the important stuff and took your car somewhere far away.

Arguments, back and forth, disagreements, yeah
Can we make it up, make it right, can we fix it? Hm
'Cause it ain't always gon' be perfect baby
It's gonna be crazy, we fight
I'm wrong, you're right, maybe, sometimes

Spencer got done faster than he thought he would with the case. He came home to find the house empty. Stripped of mostly your clothes. He called you and texted you until he realized what had happened. You left him.

The last time he called you, you picked up. "What do you want Spencer?" You sighed.

"Why'd you go?" Spencer's voice cracked.

You couldn't stand making him cry. You felt awful for it.

"It's not working Spencer! It won't work!" You cried.

"Y/n I'm sorry please please come back."

"I can't Spence I'm sorry." You let your eyes close as you let out the words you would regret. "I can't love you right now."

Well if it ain't enough
We just gonna give up?
It ain't easy trying to stay in love
Are we gonna walk out?
When it rains tell me we got enough of our love to keep us together
Said we got enough of our love to keep us together


"Goodbye Spencer." You hung up on him.

You buried your face into the hotel room pillow. Your tears stained the material. You wished you didn't say anything to Spencer.

In the morning you woke up when there was a soft knock at your door. You were still dressed in your outfit from the day before and your hair looked like a bird nest. You had year streaks down your face. You looked a complete mess.

"Spence?" You opened the door to find him standing in the doorway with the same complexion as you.

His hair was slightly messed up and his clothes were disheveled. The same tear marked over his soft face.

Said we got enough, said we got enough
Of our love, of our love
Said we got enough, said we got enough
Of our love, of our love
Said we got enough, said we got enough
Of our love, of our love
Said we got enough, said we got enough
Of our love

"I'm pregnant." You blurted out.

You watched him light up like a Christmas tree and wrap you in a hug.

"I love you so much Spencer, I'm so sorry for what I said."

"I'm sorry too for not being there." He buried his face in the crook of your neck. "And I love you more than anything." He placed a chaste kiss onto your lips.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for your test and I promise I'll be there for the next ones."

You nodded and just held him in your arms. "I know Spencer, I know."


A/N: Song Keep Us Together by Jessie J. Btw I love this song sm tho

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