Secrets They Tell

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Warning:!Season 14 finale spoilers¡ Language

After Spencer and JJ came out of their hostage situation you were the first one to hug Reid to your body. He was your fiancée after all and you couldn't imagine losing him, but even when you hugged him you could sense something was wrong. "What is it Spence?" You pulled away from him, but he shook his head glancing at JJ. You took it as a sign that he was worried for her and you walked over to hug JJ. "I'm so glad you're okay, I don't know what I'd do without one of my best friends." She gave you a small sad smile and hugged you back only staring at Spencer as she did. 

JJ didn't want you to know, especially not you, to know that she loved your future husband. JJ didn't love Spencer as much as she loved Will and her kids, but the love was still there. Spencer did feel something as well, but he would die for you and he wouldn't ever think of leaving you. 

At Rossi's wedding you were dressed up in a sleek blue dress with thin straps and blue heels. You were clung to Spencer's arm as you walked in. As soon as you walked in and saw JJ you started to feel that awkward feeling throughout the air again. You shook it off and just went on though the ceremony. When Prentiss got up to say her speech about being in love you caught Reid and JJ giving glances. You again shook it off. Reid and JJ had been close friends for such a long time basically brother and sister to you, you didn't want to go around making assumptions. 

Everyone started to dance. You danced around with Garcia, Alvez, and Tara for a while before you went to find Spencer to ask him to dance with you and that's when you saw it. The way he looked at JJ and the way she looked at him, it was undeniable that something was there. Your profiler mind started piecing together the clues. The awkwardness after the rescue, the small glances and smiles. You started to feel panic, like you weren't enough for Spencer, then you felt anger, but before you could act on that anger Prentiss tapped you on the shoulder and told you they were serving cake. You thanked her and watched her walk up to Reid and JJ. 

You found yourself in the stalls of the bathroom wanting to throw up but instead you kicked the stalls, mascara running down your cheeks. This hurt more than you thought it ever would. Your fear had kicked in that you had lost the love of your life to your best friend, someone who was like a sister to you. You finally did hurl, throwing up the dinner you had just ate. 

"Y/n are you okay?" Tara had entered the bathroom and saw you throwing up. "You need me to get Reid?"

"No!" You said much angrier than expected, but you softened your voice before you spoke again. "No thank you Tara, I just- I just need to get home, could you tell Spencer that I'm leaving when you're done using the bathroom, tell him I'm taking the car because I got really sick and didn't want to bother him." You washed your hands drying them off before sneaking out the building. You ran to the car in your heels. You drove to your shared apartment with Spencer. It wasn't long before your phone started ringing with Spencer's ID popping up. You were beyond angry at this point, trying to understand why both of them were betraying you like this, being dishonest and hurting you. You could only think what Will would be going through if he could see the signs. 

After a while the front door opened and shut and Spencer was in the room. He was taken aback by your appearance, your hair was a mess, your makeup was ruined from the tears, and your straps of your dress were hanging off. "Y/n are you okay?" 

You looked up at him through blurry eyes. "Am I okay?" You repeated. "Am I o-fucking-k?" Spencer frowned at your hostility towards him. "I have given you everything Spencer, I have loved you, have cared for you, even in the darkest times." You couldn't even look at him. "Why would you do that to me?"

"Do what?" He acted as if he didn't know what you were talking about. 

You blinked and continued. "Do you love her?" You asked.

"Love who Y/n?" 

"Don't you fucking do that Spencer! Don't you lie and act like you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about!" You yelled. "Do you love her!?" 

Spencer sighed looking down at the ground. "Not as much as I love you."

"Oh my God..." You mumbled with disgust. You pulled at the ring on your left ring finger. Getting up you placed it in his hands. 

Spencer grabbed you so you would stand in front of him. "You're overreacting Y/n, I just told you that I don't love her as much as I love you, yes there is a love there, but she has a family and I'd die for you, I'll kill myself before I ever think of hurting you." 

You started to cry again. "Well that does hurt, that some of your heart belongs to someone else, how can I marry you? How will I know you won't hurt me by cheating on me?"

Spencer grabbed your face in his hands. "Please Y/n believe me when I say I want to marry you, I want to have your kids, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I don't know if I can." You tell him honestly. "I can't Spencer..." I try to move out of his grasp but he holds you tighter before pressing his lips to yours. "I've never kissed JJ and I never will, Y/n my heart belongs to you. I love you."

You pull away tears still straining your cheeks. "I wish I could believe you." 

"Y/n please, please don't go, I love you."

"And you've always loved her." You remind him. Spencer had few tears in his eyes as well, the thought of losing you was something he didn't want to think about. Of course he loved you more than JJ, he wouldn't have put the ring on your finger if he didn't. 

He closed his eyes trying to find the words. "The love for JJ is more friendship based than anything, just being so close to her makes it easy to love someone, but I'm not in love with her. I'm in love with you, who I didn't have to be around for years to know that I was going to marry you." 

You look up into his eyes, finding truth in them. "Promise me you won't hurt me?"

Spencer nodded. "As long as you promise not to take this ring off again." He slid the ring back on your finger. "Remember I love you so much."

"I love you too." You give him a small smile though the tears. "And I'm sorry I overreacted."

"Well I would've done the same thing if you confessed to being in love with Morgan and him the same." Spencer chuckled a little. 

You smirked. "Well, maybe you'll get a little payback soon." 

"Wait. What."

A/N: Okay... so anyone else kinda hate that season finale? And full disclaimer I am NOT a Jeid anti, nor am I a jeid stan. I think jeid should have stayed a brotp. if the writers would have made this story line in maybe the earlier seasons when she was married with kids then I wouldn't be as angry as I am after watching that. I honestly feel like it was lazy and sloppy on the writers part. I too believe that it's a huge betrayal on Will and the kids. Like how can you marry someone and claim you love them and then say some dumbass shit like that. Excuse my language, but I've been thing about this for a while and I've always disliked when writers fuck up good characters in  T.V. shows. And I feel like she was pursuing a relationship with Reid because all though out this season she's been spending more time with Reid and talking to him more. Why would you make her cheat on her husband that she's been with forever. It makes me not even want to watch the 15th season because honestly the cases have started to repeat and it's getting boring. Don't come at me, but this is my opinion on the season finale. 

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