Hard Time Concentrating*

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You bounced around the apartment you shared with Spencer. You were getting ready for the day at the BAU. You dressed like normal, nothing fancy. You wore dark black skinny jeans along with your stilettos, you wore a white button down blouse and your hair was in a tight ponytail. 

"I'm going to have a really hard time concentrating." Spencer said from the doorway of the bedroom. 

"Why do you say that?" You bit your lip while walking to him. 

Spencer pulled you dangerously close to his lips. You matched his height do to the heels you were wearing. You both stared into each others eyes; your Y/e/c ones met his hazel/brown ones. You ghosted your lips across his in a teasing manner.

Spencer pulled you in for a suffocating kiss. His tongue parted your lips and made its way in. You moaned and put your hands in his hair. 

You giggled pulling away from the kiss, "You haven't answered my question." 

"The answer is that you are just r-really cute in the uh.. outfit." You rolled your hips when you noticed Spencer losing his dominant side. 

"Stop it!" Spencer growled, his eyes got darker. He licked his pink lips when you rolled your hips again. Spencer slowly unbuttoned your blouse with a teasing smirk. You quickly threw off his clothes as well only leaving him 

Spencer lifted you to the bed; you fell down hard on the bed, but you didn't protest when you felt your pants coming unzipped and falling onto the floor. Spencer kissed up your body stoping at your breast the were hidden by your bra. You lifted up to let him unclasp it. 

"Spence." You gasped out as his tongue swirled around and bit over your chest. You grabbed his hair and pulled him up for a kiss. Spencer broke away from the kiss first making you whine in response. Your protest soon turned into a shriek of pleasure when Spencer attached his lips to your heated core. 

"Oh my-" You were interrupted by a tongue darting in and out. His tongue trusted deep, but then he pulled it out when he knew you were close.

He searched for his tie on the floor; he found it, but then he grabbed a black one from the dresser. You reached down to play with yourself since you were seeking a release. 

"Y/n what are you doing!" Spencer yanked your hand away. You looked up at him with pleading eyes; you wanted- no you needed a release . Spencer's eyes grew impossibly darker as he flipped you over onto your stomach. 

He grabbed both your wrist like he was handcuffing you with his purple tie; he grin deviously immediately upon seeing your blind squirming from being blindfolded. 

"Spencer!!!" You screamed when he thrusted into you out of nowhere. He gently pulled you up thus never stopping his furious thrusting. 

"Say my name again...please." He demanded, but it sounded like a soft question in your ear.

"Spencer!" You let your head fall back on his shoulder. "I- I I'm-." You moaned.

"I know me too, come for me Y/n." 

Spencer came soon after you did; he rode you out of your high before collapsing beside you. He quickly untied your blindfold and wrist. 

"I'm sorry if I went too hard sweetie." Spencer brushed a strand of hair that had fallen out of your ponytail. 

"No Spence it was fine, but now we are late and I don't have a excuse to give Hotch or the team. 

"We'll think of something, right now we need to get there." Spencer placed a chaste kiss on your lips before getting off the bed.

A/N: This was rushed and I don't really like it 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now