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 Spencer walked up to the expensive door and rung the doorbell. He was hoping that you would open the door, but it wasn't. A man opened the door in his swimming trunks.

It was summer time and Spencer took the day off to go to a party. A party held by you. You knew him from a book store and you started hanging out with each other. You owned a pool in your backyard since you lived in a very expensive house. You being a big shareholder of your parents company. Also a big party girl, but you were very smart and enjoyed learning.

"Who are you?" The guy asked with an eyebrow up.

"I- um-" Spencer started.

"Spencer!" You appeared behind the tall man. You were dressing in nothing but a light blue bikini. "You came!" You pushed the guy out the way and took his hand.

"Yeah I had the day off." Spencer said as he was being dragged through the large one person house. 

"Well I'm glad you could make it. Do you want to change?" You asked him while you grabbed a beer from the cooler. 

"Change? for what?" Spencer asked with confusion.

"The pool silly, you are swimming right?" You asked.

"No, I don't really swim." Spencer replied. 

You smirked and took a swig of your beer. You put it on the counter and went into the back yard that was full of people. 

Spencer tried not to look at your bottom, but failed miserably as he licked his lips. You swayed your hips side to side while you walked to your friends. Spencer watched alone in a loud area full of people. He walked around your house until he found a quiet spot to read. 

He must have dozed off for a while, because you were waking him up. You were now in a robe and everyone was gone. "Hey sleepyhead." You smiled at him.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I-I fell asleep I-" He couldn't finish because you stopped him.

"I know parties aren't your thing Spencer, and I didn't know this one would be so um wild." You giggled. "But that doesn't mean we still can't have some fun." You turned around. 

When Spencer didn't follow you motioned for him to catch up to you. Spencer did so as you wanted and caught up to you. You threw your robe off your body and showed off your black bikini. You had changed and Spencer noticed. 

"Um Y/n what are you um doing?" Spencer cleared his throat when you spun around. 

"I'm taking a late night swim, you should join." You smirked driving in. 

"What no!? I don't swim."

"You don't or you can't?" You teased.

"I can I just don't want to." You cocked your head to your side. "Oh well could you at least help me out?" You asked.

"Nope, not doing that again." He remembered the Lila case.


"It's a long story."

You had gotten out of the pool and met him. You reached into his pocket without asking and took his phone out along with anything else. "Wait Y/n what are you doing?" You jumped into the pool making sure nothing got wet. You took it to the other side of the pool where he would have to swim to get it. 

"Y/n, that's my stuff!" Spencer whined.

"Come on Spence please, for me."You begged and pleaded for him to come into the pool until you finally got him to the edge of the pool. That's when you pulled him down with all your strength.

"Ahh Y/n!!" Spencer shouted. You giggled and waited for him to come back up. Once he did you saw him trying to wipe his eyes.

"That's not cool Y/n." You giggled happily and pulled him to you. 

You both stared at each other's lips intensely. Your breaths both increasing along with your excitement. You leaned in first and kissed him. Spencer was shocked that you kissed him first. He didn't think someone as pretty as you would want him. Spencer kissed back slowly while cupping your cheeks to make the kiss deeper.

You started kissing back and rolling your hips. Spencer pulled back slightly embarrassed by getting scared of your hips. 

"What's wrong?"

"I-i um..."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"I- I'm not sure..."

"Do you not like me?"

"No I do like you I like you a lot."

"Then what is it." You put your hand on the back of his neck.

"I-I'm- I've never done this before."

"Kiss someone?"

"No, No... I'm still a virgin." Spencer looked away ashamed. He didn't want you to laugh at him.

"It's okay Spencer, we can stop if you want."

"No I want to, it's just I don't know how to exactly."

You said nothing you just grabbed his hand and put it on your chest. You moved his hand down lower so it was on your breast. "Y/n what's-"

"Shh, I'm teaching you. Do you trust me?" 

Spencer nodded and you pulled him with you out of the pool. Besides you both being soaking wet you led him to your bedroom. You closed the door and preceded to undress him. You could tell he was nervous because he started stating random facts. 

"Shh Spence, let me take care of you." You got down on your knees for him. You let him shrug out of his boxers. Your eyes widened at how he looked. You never thought he'd look this good. 

You kissed the tip of his member causing him to shudder. You looked up at him through your long eye lashes. You saw his eyes close and his hands searching for something to grab onto. He finally landed his hands on your hair. You sucked him into you mouth and began to bobble your head. 

His moans only encouraged you more to take make him happy. He mouth was in an 'O' shape along with his head leaning on the door. You felt him twitch in your mouth and decided to pull away. You could hear him whining from the loss, but the soon changed when you stood up to kiss him. 

You undid your bikini top leaving you exposed in front of Spencer. You made his hand touch the spot you wanted it to touch so badly. "This is how wet you make me..." You whispered in his ear. You didn't give him a chance to respond since you pushed him onto the bed. "Y/n... Please...."

"What do you want baby?" 

"I want you." Spencer moaned out when you kissed his neck. You discarded your bikini bottoms and hovered over him. You're semi wet h/c hair leaned to your left side. You grabbed his length and sank down slowly on it after you put protection on. It was now done and Spencer was no longer an innocent virgin. You cursed as you adjusted to his full length.

Spencer's eyes rolled to the back of his head when you started bouncing up and down on him. His hands gripped your waist tightly. You moaned out when he bucked up and hit your g-spot. You laid down and put you face in the crook of his neck, letting him take control. 

Spencer thrusted up into you making you whine and moan. He turned you over and pounded into you without a care. You screamed and clawed at his back. "Spence I'm close..." You moaned out. You came with a loud moan.

You felt Spencer's member twitch and him release with one more thrust. He collapsed next to you with heavy breaths.

"How was your first time?" You asked.

"Amazing! but I think it's because it was with you."

"Aww, Spence that's so nice." You kissed his cheek before you both fell asleep. You both totally forgot his stuff by the pool.

A/N: If anyone wants me to put an extra warning on smut, then I will. Just tell me and I'll put a warning on it. Also there might be a part two. Maybe. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now