A Family Matter pt.2*

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"Agent Y/l/n, I'm glad you are becoming part of the BAU." Hotch greeted you in his office.

"Well it's an honor to be taking over for my cousin." You smiled. When Derek left the BAU called you in.

"Well you already know the team, so you shouldn't have any problems adjusting to them." Hotch lead you out of the office and into the conference room.

Familiar faces appeared and you smiled at them. "It's nice to see everyone again, I've never met you." You looked down at Tara Lewis.

"Tara Lewis pleasure to meet you." She shook your hand. You smiled and shook back.

You took a seat next to JJ and Rossi. After being briefed you got on the plane with everyone else. You went to the Bathroom to wash out the air sickness you were getting.

"So Reid how are you and Y/n doing?" Rossi asked curious.

"I told you, we didn't work out." Spencer said without looking up from the file.

"Hmm." Rossi let it go.

You came back and sat across from Spencer. You didn't make any eye contact, you didn't even say hi to him.

"Let's get started..." Hotch said.

The case of women being murdered in Los Angles was what you were working on. You worked with the team to solve the case which wasn't going to end soon.

Hotch sent you and Spencer to examine the crime scene. "Hope the kid doesn't get too nervous around her." Rossi said to JJ.

"The body is placed with her hands up." You said looking at the body on the floor.

"Maybe a sign of remorse?" Spencer said

"Maybe." You furrowed your eyebrows.

"You look beautiful like that." Spencer sighed.

"Like what?" You turned to him.

"When you're profiling." He said while walking you were walking out of the house.

"I didn't know someone could look beautiful while profiling." You smirked.

"You can." Spencer brushed a price of hair behind your ear.

"How did I ever become so lucky to find a man like you Spencer?" You sang.

"You can thank Morgan for introducing us." Spencer said

"Please- if Morgan knew I was sleeping with his best friend then he'd treat you so different. Everyone thinks that when I left we didn't try to make it work right?" You rolled your eyes.

"Yes, Rossi just asked me about that today." Spencer opened the door for you to get in the SUV.

"Well they watched us make out in the backyard so... you should probably not stare at me like you've been doing." You giggled.

Spencer blushed red and closed the door so he could get on the passengers side.

When you and him got back the team was already started on the profile. You made yourself comfortable so you could get started. The profile was coming together quite well. You were starting to get tired though.

"Team lets go to the hotel and regroup in the morning." Hotch ordered.

You left with JJ and Tara to go to the hotel. You entered your own room and threw your stuff down on the bed. You sat down and thought for a moment before you stood up and went down to Spencer's door. He'd given you the key to his room so you could get in if you wanted.

He was in the shower when you opened the door. You tiptoed into the bathroom and started to strip out of your clothes. You stepped in the shower behind him.

"Boo!" You poked his sides.

"Y/n I heard you getting in the shower with me." He chuckled when he turned around.

"You're no fun." You crossed your arms and pouted.

"I'm sorry babe." Spencer pulled you in for a hug.

A hug turned into Spencer throwing you on the bed and crawling over to you. He attached his lips to your neck and began to suck and bite marks into your skin.

Spencer licked his way down to your clit where his lips latched on. You moaned and grabbed hold of his hair as his finger entered you. "Spencer!" You whispered.

Spencer added another finger while mixing his tongue in bringing you to the edge. You panted as you came down from your high.

Spencer sat up and wiped his mouth off. "Can you go another round?"

"For you I'd go 20." You caught your breath.

"Actually I'd never make you go 20 rounds - that kind of overstimulation can harm-" You shushed him with a kiss.

"Baby just eff me up please." You mumbled in his mouth.

Spencer took no time to thrust into you. Only pausing to let you adjust. Once you were ready he started a slow pace. You screamed out as he hit your g-spot over and over again.

"Shh Y/n, we're in between Rossi and JJ." Spencer never let up his fast paced thrust. He covered your mouth since noise was still coming out of you. "I'm so close!" You clenched around him and came while screaming his name into his hand.

"Y/n..." Spencer whispered your name in the air like a prayer when he came inside you.

Spencer pulled out of you and fell to the side of you. You were so tired, but you had to get back to your room.

The next morning Spencer walked down with Tara since you had walked down with JJ.

"I had trouble sleeping last night- I kept hearing screaming in the room next to me." Rossi said.

"Hmm I wonder what that could have been, I heard it too." JJ smirked at you.

You looked at Spencer with a guilty face. "Thought it didn't work out between you two?" Rossi asked.

"That's not up for discussion right now we have a case." You and Spencer dodged their snickers and questions.

A/N: sorry this is trash. I hope the person who requested this likes it. Might do a part 3 maybe if that's what people want.

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