Jealousy fits you Dr. Reid

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Sum: spolier for season 12, Luke Alvez  and the reader get a little too close for Reid's comfort. 

Short little Drabble

Spencer's pov 

"Hey Alvez can you give me a hand?" I heard Y/n call from the file room. Why would she rather have Alvez than have me, I'm her boyfriend for crying out loud. "Um sure, what do you need help with?" He looked directly at me and smirked. 

"These files, since you are new, I want you to help me with these files." She called back. I watched he stroll out of the file room holding a box of unknown files. Her heels clicking softly against the tile. "Here that must be heavy, let me take it." Alvez took the box and sat it on the table. "Hey can I talk to you alone?"

"Yeah sure, are you having trouble fitting in?" I could hear their conversation. "No it's just..." He whispered something in her ear. She looked at me and then back to the ground. She sighed looking up. "I-I don't know..." He grabbed her hands which sent a responsive signal to me. I found myself approaching them. 

"Studies show Alvez, that most men do not appreciate when another man touches their girl. I am one of those men, so get you hands off of her." I stepped in front of Y/n. "Whoa I'm sorry buddy, I didn't know you two were a thing..." I swallowed, my sense of confidence going down. I turned around to face a smirking Y/n.

"Jealousy fits you Dr. Reid." I glared and she kissed me. "And I'm not interested in him, I'm interested in you, dork." I smiled. "Will I always be your bitch?" I asked.

"Of course Spencer, I wouldn't have it any other way." She laughed and kissed me on my lips a little longer than before. Maybe jealousy does fit me? 

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