deadly affairs

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"Oh my what a beautiful couple." You were at the dinner party with the team. They said all couples so you brought your husband to Rossi's party. "Thank you Rossi, I appreciate that." You didn't appreciate it, not really, you didn't love your husband like you used to, things were different between the two of you. "You know Y/n talks about the cases you guys have and... I just don't know how you can do it..." You left your husband Charlie talking with Rossi to go talk to Reid. "Meet me in the house in five." Spencer whispered in your ear taking a small sip of wine. 

You did as Spencer told you, you found the usual closet that the two of you hide your sins in. "I couldn't stop thinking about you all night..." You moaned when's lips attached themselves to your exposed collar bones. "Has he touched you today?"

"Only once, he kissed me on my neck and on my lips... but I couldn't help thinking about you when he did." Spencer nuzzled into your neck kissing on it, never once leaving a mark. "I don't want to let you go yet." 

"I know, but we can do whatever we want tomorrow when we go to the museum, and when we get to your apartment we can do the unspeakable an-." Spencer cut you off with a kiss. "No, that's not what I mean, I don't want to let you go yet, because I have a gift for you."

"Spence." You gasped when he pulled out a black box. "When you choose to let him go, I'll be waiting to marry you and have children that look exactly like you, I know your parents aren't big on divorce, so they don't want you to, but just know when you are ready." Spencer bent down. "I'll be here waiting for you to jump in my arms." 

"It's not a wedding ring, but it would mean a lot to me if you wore it." Spencer slipped the ring onto your finger giving your hand a kiss. "Spencer I love you." You pulled him down for a deep kiss. "We should probably get out of here, Charlie is probably looking for me." 

"One more kiss please?" Spencer puckered his lips. "Of course." You gave him another quick kiss. "I love you Y/n." You smiled before opening the door, you checked around you if you saw anyone coming. No one was in the area so you stepped out first and Spencer followed. "There you guys are! Where have you been?" JJ walked down the hall. "Spencer wanted to tell me something, It was personal so yeah." You slid the new ring into your fist barley in time for her to notice. "Of course, but Charlie is getting drunk and it hilarious, but you might want to get him." 

"Men are childish." JJ hive five you at your comment. "Hey not all men are childish." Spencer pouted in defense. 

"Oh believe me Spence, there is always childish in men." JJ patted him on the shoulder. 

"You just aren't one of them." You smiled. Spencer smile back and winked.

A week after the party the team had a very hard case. The case set the team to getting home late at night. Everyone on the team went home except you. You stayed behind along with Spencer working on files. "Hey, you want to get out of here." You turned around at the warm feeling on your cold ears. "Sure, Charlie said he wasn't going to be home until its late, so yeah let's go." You packed up your stuff into your bag. 

"Spencer!!!" You screamed as you arched your back in pleasure. "Y/n!!" Spencer moaned along with a string of profanities once he spilled inside you. When the two of you caught your breath Spencer put you down, letting you slide down the wall. "Shower?" Spencer asked. "Yes please."

"Does he ever suspect?" Spencer hands wrapped around your waist shielding you from the hot water droplets. "He's never asked me about it." You turned around to face Spencer. "He thinks that we are just good friends, and he doesn't need to know that we are more than friends." 

"I love being your secret." He leaned down and kissed you. "I love you." You kissed him back. "I love you too." 

The night air was thick and you were tired from your rendezvous activities. You pulled into your driveway parking the car. You were walking a little funny, because you were sore. Your keys jingled once you opened the door. "He didn't turn the alarm on?" You looked at the alarm system and it wasn't on. "Ugh of course, such a dumbass."

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now