Where You Are*

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It was days like this when Spencer wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep. Although he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep he knew that he would have you.

"Goodnight Emily." Spencer gave a short wave before getting on the elevator

He took the subway home. It was quiet and that's how Spencer wanted it to stay.

He crept into the apartment with heavy footsteps. Shrugging his messenger bag onto the couch he began to undress himself.

It was selfish of him to wake you up out of your peaceful slumber, but seeing how the thin sheet fit your body and his frustration at an all time high, he couldn't resist climbing onto the bed with you.

His lips touched your cheek and you woke up. You turned onto your back to face him better. You didn't have to ask, you already knew what was wrong.

You moved the covers so that he could climb under with you. No words were spoken between you and him. You just let him kiss you passionately. His lips trailed down to your neck and but softly at the flesh.

Since you sleep in the nude most of the time you didn't have to worry about clothes. Spencer didn't have to prep you tonight. He didn't want to prep you tonight. He just needed to be inside you, to feel your warmth.

Soft whimpers slipped from your plump lips as Spencer slowly entered you. You had no control nor did you want any. You had no problem with this since you knew in the morning Spencer would tell you all about it.

The thrust were agonizingly at the slow pace that they were met. You had already given yourself to him so the since of your dominance was gone. You were okay with him taking his time with you.

Spencer on the other hand was trying to draw this out. He wanted to savor the feeling of being inside you. So he pushed your legs back farther and began to increase his speed. With his hands placed firmly on the side of your head he slowed down again. This time he pushed hard thrust into you.

With every thrust a soft moan would escape your mouth. It made Spencer thrust harder just to hear the gasp of you.

You knew that days like this he liked things quiet. He didn't like you screaming his name or clawing at his back. He liked when he could just have you to himself. No questions asked.

You gasped as Spencer hit your g-spot while biting down on your sweet spot of your neck. He stayed like this for a while until you started feeling a feeling.

Your stomach formed a knot symbolizing that you were close to your end. Spencer looked into your eyes for one of the first times since he'd been going at it.

Soft groans could be heard from Spencer as he grabbed your hands and pinned them by the sides of your head. His thrust still stayed at the same pace.

With one more thrust you had met your end game. Spencer covered your screams of pleasure with a bruising kiss.

Not long after did Spencer spill inside you with a moan he hid in the crook of your neck.

After you had come down from your highs Spencer got off the bed. He got a washcloth and began to clean you up. You just let him and pulled the covers over yourself.

Spencer didn't care about the shower since the sheets would already have to be washed.

Spencer climbed into bed with you now. You pulled him closer to you and caressed his hair gently.

"We couldn't save the girl in time." He spoke for the first time while being there.

"You tried your best that's all you can do." You assured him.

"Trying my best won't save you..."


"The victims Y/n... they looked like you... and we couldn't save them I couldn't save them."

You wiped the tears that had fallen from his yes away. "I'm right here Spencer and I always will be."

"I just wanna be where you are." Spencer wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

"Go to sleep love." You placed a kiss in his nose. "I love you."

"I love you more." Spencer kissed your lips.

A/N: So I know a lot of people do one shots like this one with the same kinda plot idea, but I'm not trying to copy anyone's work. I felt like writing this for some reason.

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