After you

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You felt all the blood rush out of you as you stepped in a thick puddle. You knew there shouldn't be puddles in the bathroom, unless someone shit themselves. 

You swallowed hard and closed you eyes looking down at the floor. You screamed as you saw blood everywhere and you looked under the sink to find your intern stabbed to death. You screamed covering your mouth. Once your second scream was heard many people appeared in the stalls. 

"I'm calling the police!" Someone shouted from the crowd. You pulled out your phone dialing your favorite number.

"Spencer, my intern just got murdered." You fought the urge to throw up.

Once Spencer got to your workplace, which is the assistant director at a fashion designing company, he immediately found you. You stood talking to the police, giving them your statements when you saw him walking to you.

"Spencer!" You jumped in his arms crying into his chest as he held you tightly. "Y/n it's okay it's alright, listen I brought my team."

"Spencer I stepped in his blood." You almost threw up at the thought. "Y/n..." Spencer was cut off by Hotch walking up to you.

"We have a problem." He held up a bag that had a paper in it. Spencer took it from his hand carefully reading it.

"To my dearest Y/n." Spencer stopped. "That was found shoved down the victims throat." Hotch added. "Oh my god." You held your heart and leaned into Spencer's arms. "Y/n it's okay, we're going to find who did this." Hotch assured you. 

You nodded looking back at Spencer. "I have a big meeting coming up and I really don't need this right now, I'm just really under a lot of stress right now." Spencer wiped away your tears. 

"I will find who is doing this, if it's the last thing I do Y/n ." You hugged him. "I love you Spencer so much." He kissed your forehead and held onto you tightly. "I'm going to stay here with you tonight and I will run you a long bath when we get home."

"You are the best boyfriend ever." You kissed him on the cheek. 

The night went on and you eventually got back home with Spencer and he gave you a massage in the bath. You woke up energetic in the morning and ready to go. Spencer had left you in the morning, so you made your way to the coffee shop. You stopped when you saw the police and Spencer at the scene 

"Spencer! What's going on?" You walked up to him, but you we pushed back by the beat cops. "She's part of this investigation." Spencer grabbed your hand leading you to the crime scene. 

You let out a gasps as you realized that it was your friend from the counter, Mabel. She was a barista and she was young, but you found friendship in her. You fell into Spencer's embrace crying deeply into his shoulder.  "You are not leaving my sight, you hear me." Spencer's words carried softly into your ears.

"Y/n, mind if we ask some questions?" JJ interrupted you and Spencer.

"Yeah sure." You sniffed. JJ walked you out of the coffee shop and outside.

"Do you know anyone who's capable of doing this?" JJ asked. You looked down and shook your head.

"Okay, Do you know anyone who might like you or have a crush on you?"

"I- I really don't know, the only person I really pay attention to is Spencer."

"Typical stalkers usually have encountered you or you have given them a sign that you like them.You are probably an object to them." You started to protest, but JJ started to ask another question. 

"Is there anybody who might be just a little too nice to you?" JJ asked before Spencer walked up to you guys. "No." You answered. 

"We have another note shoved down the victims throat again." Spencer read the note out loud.

"My dearest Y/n." You swallowed back a cry. You felt your phone ring and you looked at the caller ID. "It's my boss, excuse me for a second." You excused yourself. 

You walked back into the conversation. "I have a very important meeting today and I'm already late, I will lose my job if I don't go."

"Okay, then I will go with you." Spencer offered. "Spencer I need you to find who is doing this, I'll be fine for an hour." You shut him down and he had no choice but to let you go on your own.

After the meeting you got your company a good deal on the fabrics they would be using. You closed your door to your office and put you head down on the desk. Spencer sent officers to guard your outside of the office so you weren't worried. 

Your head shot up immediately when you heard noises outside the door. It had gotten late and your office had gotten dark when you fell asleep. You could only see the lights from the city outside your glass window. You had a glass office, but you had closed the blinds and closed yourself off from the world. 

"Y/n... how are you?" Your friend closed the door behind her. You smile standing up to greet her. "I'm feeling a little better, thanks for asking." You smiled at her. She wasn't close close, but you talked to her the most because she was the informal assistant to you. She was in charge of production, and she often talked to you.

"I've been waiting for such a long time my dearest ." Your smile faded we she looked deeply into your eyes. You looked over at your phone, seeing how far away it was.

Meanwhile at the BAU. 

"Guys I think the reason why we haven't found Y/n's stalker is because we are looking for the wrong person." Reid Stood up in front of the team. "I think the unsub is a woman." 

"Her department is full of women Reid, how do we narrow that down." Morgan asked. "I don' know yet, but I have to go get her."

"Reid she's fine, she has a police force watching her, just call her to make sure she's okay."

You stood still, staring at your friend. "Liz, I- I don't know what to say." You started walking backwards to your desk, but she stopped you by pulling out a knife. "You can say thank you for the things I did for you." She implied.

"T-thank you." You nodded. "Good. Now we are going to take a drive down to the BAU and you are going to admit that you love me and only me, or I will kill you and everyone that stands in my way." She smiled and guided you along the path to the elevator past everyone who were too busy to see that you were being held hostage. The police were tasered so they couldn't help you. Before you left she grabbed your phone. She made you get in your car and drive. On the way, your phone rang and interrupted the empty silence of her playing with your hair with her knife. "It's him."

"You tell him that everything is fine and that you should be home soon." You did as she said and told Spencer that everything was fine. 

Once you got to the base of the FBI, you got out the car. "You won't make it past the detectors, if you have weapons on you." You told her.

"You are so smart beautiful, so brilliant with that mind of yours." She walked with you to the metal detectors. "I don't have anything on me, but I do have a metal implant in my leg." Liz told the guards. "Of course, please come in." They made you go through and you kept quiet just in case she wanted to pop off right then and there. When you walked into the BAU office Spencer saw you and ran to you. Only for you to be yanked back by your kidnapper. 

Liz pulled out a gun and so did everyone else. "I'm so sorry." You whispered into the air. "Liz, just put the gun down and let Y/n go."

"No! I love her and she loves me. We were meant to be together forever!" She pressed the knife dangerously close to your neck. "Liz look at her, she's scared, you don't want to hurt her do you?" Liz pushed the gun into your hip causing you to wince.

"No." Liz started to tear up. She looked at your scared face. "Liz- Y/n never loved you..." Spencer put his gun down and slowly started to talk.

"Reid..." JJ hissed. 

"She's always loved me."  Spencer continued. "You are nothing to her, she doesn't even know you that well."

"That's a lie! She loves me!" She pushed you away and pointed the gun at Spencer. You watched as Spencer shot her to the ground only hitting her in the arm. 

"Y/n!" Spencer lifted you off the ground. "I'm so glad you're okay, I love you so much."

"I love you too Spencer." You buried your head in his chest. 

A/N: This was kinda weird one 

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