Hotch's Girl

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Spencer walked around the grocery store to find the desserts that he was looking for. He needed them for Rossi's party later on at night. He grabbed a plain chocolate cake and put it in the basket. He didn't really care because he probably wouldn't be eating it anyways.

He got distracted for a moment since he was looking at the other cakes. His basket hit yours and you jumped from the sound. Spencer's head snapped up to look at your eyes.

"Y/n?" Spencer recognized the face he spent years in love with. 

"Spencer? Hey." You waved to him awkwardly. 

"What brings you here?" Spencer came out of his shock. 

"I'm here getting dessert for a party I'm going to." You told him picking up three things of cookies and putting them his your basket.

"What a coincidence, me too." He grinned that grin you always loved. 

"Y/n I thought you were going to-." Hotch stopped his sentence as soon as he saw Reid. 

"Reid!" Hotch said surprised that he was in the same store.

"Hello Hotch." Spencer sighed. 

You sighed a deep sigh and rolled your eyes. "So do you two know each other?" Hotch asked.

"Yeah he used to go to the same book store as me, nothing big." You left out the part where you had dated him for over two years and he almost proposed to you. 

"Yeah nothing big." Spencer repeated. He was hurt that you called him just a friend from the book store. "I have to go get ready so I'll see you guys later I hope."

"Yes we will be at Rossi's party."

"Good I'll see you then." Spencer said before rushing to the cash register. 

At the party Spencer was talking to Morgan and Emily when you and Hotch walked through the door. His head immediately rotated to face your figure. You had one arm wrapped in his while you talked to Rossi. 

"Wow she's-" Emily started 

"Young." Morgan finished.

You were wearing the dress he'd bought you for your birthday years ago. It was only a year and a couple months since the two of you had broke up. Spencer knew that you wouldn't want to talk to him and the only reason you were going to talk to him, was to get your boyfriend off his scent.

Hotch walked you over to them with you smiling. "Emily, Derek. This is Y/n." You got out of his grasp to shake their hands. "I would hug you guys, but I didn't want to be weird." You joked.

"No not at all, this is actually the last time I'll be in the BAU, I'm going to London." You shook your head in understanding.

You turned you head in Spencer direction to see his staring at you. "Hey Spence." You attempted to give him a small hug. It felt awkward and uncomfortable so you quickly pulled away. 

"You already know Reid?" Morgan asked. 

"We used to be friends from the book store. Bookstore friends." You lied.

"Y/n I want you to meet the rest of the team." Hotch pointed out people to you. "JJ is the one getting married and Garcia is the blond in the glasses, she's really fun. 

The night went on and everyone had started to dance. You were passed around many partners until you got to Spencer. You played along and danced with him.

"I see your knee has gotten a lot better." You started a conversation.

"Y/n I'm sorry, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Spencer pleaded with you. 

"Until you know how it felt when you broke my heart." You told him.

Spencer saw some tears fall out of your eyes so he wiped them away. Your hand smacked his away from your face and continued dancing. 

"Spencer do you know how it feels to move in with the love of your life and everything gets ruined because one person doesn't understand how to control his feelings?"

Spencer looked from your eyes, but you still continued. "It feels like the unsub is killing you, I will forgive you Spencer, and I will say that I still love you."

"I always loved you and only you."

"No, Spencer you loved the job and only the job." You whispered shouted at him. "Hotch is the same way, but I'm learning from my lesson that I learn from you." You told him.

"I always thought I would be married to you and have kids with you one day, but now that I'm here dancing with you after a year from our break up I know that that choice would have been the best choice, but I guess you can't make your lovers mind think." You pulled away but Spencer pulled you back.

"Tell me you don't love me anymore and I'll never bring this up again."

"I can't do that Spencer."

"Why not?" 

"Because I'd be lying if I said I didn't still love you." You slipped out of his grasp and ran into the house. 

Spencer stood on the dance floor with said eyes and nothing but you on his mind. 

A/N: Maybe a part 2 if I feel like it, you guys have to comment if you want a part two because if no one wants it I'm not doing it. 

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