Hotch's Girl Pt.2

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Congratulations went around the party as you and Hotch announced your engagement. It was earlier in the week, but Rossi still planned to make it a big deal. He threw a party for you and Aaron to enjoy. 

People often thought you would never get married to someone so much older than you. You didn't believe it yourself. When Hotch proposed to you in front of Jack and at dinner you couldn't say no. Even though it wasn't what you wanted you still said yes. How great is that?

You could call off the engagement right now, but not in front of all his colleagues and his son, who already lost a mother. You knew you couldn't do that and that's why you were now staring at the moon and drinking white wine. 

Spencer showed up next to you without saying a word. "How are you?" You asked him. You knew about his recent girlfriend or whatever. You had to admit you were jealous, but only because he made it seem like she was his first love. In reality you were his first real love.

"Some days are good and some are bad, how are you?" You looked up at the sky once more and saw that it was getting covered by a cloud. 

"I don't want to do this!" You admitted to him. "I don't want to marry Aaron!" Tears started running down your cheeks staining them black. You started to shake and luckily everyone was inside and could not see you having a break down.

"Spencer I don't love him! I don't know why I didn't break up with him sooner! I think it's because of Jack and I don't know!" You paced back and forth, but Spencer stopped you midway.

"Y/n what are you talking about?" Spencer asked.

"Whatever Spencer you obviously don't care!" You went behind the bushes further away from the home.

"Y/n wait!" He shout whispered. 

You had fell to your knees sobbing at the ground. "Y/n it's okay." He kneeled down with you. "Remember when you used to make me dance with you after a case went wrong and I'd always say no, but you wouldn't care and you forced me to dance. I danced with you and it made me feel so much better."

"Yeah." You sobbed out. "Why does that matter?"

"Because I'm going to make you feel better." Spencer picked you up and held you close to him. He didn't make any moves, but you laid your head on his shoulder and he took that as a sign to wrap his arms around your waist. It was a tight hug that just spun around in circles, but good lord did it make you feel better. Your fingers nipped at the hairs on the back of his head. He smiled when he felt you become relived of any pressure. 

You were the first to pull your head back from his shoulder. You stared deep into his eyes before they trailed down to his pink lips. You missed those lips so much. You missed him more than anything; his touch, his kiss, his love, just him.

Spencer leaned down and attached his lips to yours. You returned the stolen kiss with eyes closed. Spencer's hands cupped your cheeks so that he could deepen the kiss. Your tongues fought against each other in a sweet battle. 

You soon woke out of your trance and pulled completely away from him. "Spencer we shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be doing this." You ran off back to the house leaving Spencer alone once again.

It was the day of the wedding and you looked at yourself in the mirror. You didn't even know who you were anymore. Y/n was gone and someone new had replaced her.

A knock at the door interrupted your thoughts. "Come in." You told them. Spencer walked in holding flowers for you. 

"You look stunning." He gushed. It made you blush.

You and Spencer promised not to tell anyone about that night at the engagement party , but it still didn't deter you and him from becoming great friends. He was your best friend and you loved him more than anything. Even the man you were bound to marry. 

"Thank you Spence." You took the flowers in your hand.

"I don't think there could ever be someone more beautiful than you." Spencer said.

"What about Maeve? Didn't you say she was the most beautiful girl in the world?" You rolled your eyes.

"Sure, but Maeve could never live up to be you, you are amazing, you give me life, and she would have never been you. That's all I ever wanted was you." Spencer confessed quickly.

"Why are you telling me this now?" You felt your heart flutter, but it was breaking.

"Because all I have is now, there is no other time where I can say this... Y/n I'm in love with you and I always have been." Spencer stepped closer to you and tilted your head up so your eyes could meet his. "And if I have to spend every day of my life knowing that you're Hotch's girl, then that's worth me getting to tell you one last time that I love you." He pressed a firm, warm, passionate filled kiss to your lips. 

When he pulled away he licked his lips and turned to leave. "Spencer wait." You pulled him back to you. "I love you too." Your confession slipped through your lips. "And if I have to wait till the day I die to have your child, then that's worth telling you I love you one last time." 

A knock on the door signaled that it was time for you to start getting ready and for Spencer to get lined up to be a groomsmen.

His hand slipped out of yours and along went a tear down your face. You quickly found a pen and wrote on a piece of paper. Your goodbye to Hotch and the apology that followed it. Then you ran out of the church with your dress still on. You had texted Spencer to meet you outside.

He was waiting nervously outside for you. Once he saw you dressed in your white dress and a bright smile plastered on your face he knew what you had done. "Y/n what about Hotch?"

"He's not ready to love, I can tell. He'll get over it." You grabbed Spencer's hand and dragged him along with you.

Everyone was surprised when you didn't walk down the aisles instead JJ walked down with a note addressed to Hotch. Hotch had no expression as he read it, but on the inside he felt nothing anyways. He realized he didn't really love you like he loved Hayley anyway. So he wasn't upset that you ran away with Spencer, he was actually relieved. Everyone was happy and you were with who you were always meant to be with. 

A/N: How did you guys like it? A lot of angst in this. 

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