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You walked into the BAU with strong strides. You wore black skinny jeans with a black blouse and stilettos. You felt eyes on you, but not once did you look at them. You went to Hotch's door and knocked.

"Guy's who's that?" Garcia frantically asked. 

Spencer knew exactly who it was. He'd know that walk from anywhere. 

"Come in." Hotch ordered you to enter. 

"Chief Y/l/n, I didn't know you would be coming in so soon." Hotch stood up.

"Just Y/n, I'm the temporary Unit Chief. I'm so sorry for your loss, Strauss was a good woman." You said.

"Thank you, would you like to meet the team?" 

"Lead the way." You let him pass you and lead you to the conference room. 

"Team I'd like you to meet Chief Y/l/n, she's the temporary Unit Chief." Hotch announced you to the team.

You looked around the table, "Agent Alex Blake, Agent Derek Morgan, Agent David Rossi, Agent Jennifer Jareau, Tech analysis Penelope Garcia, and Dr. Spencer Reid." You named them off one by one. 

"She will be joining us on this case."

You smiled and took a seat by Blake and Morgan and listened to everything Garcia was saying.

When everyone was getting on the plane Spencer stopped you before you got on. "So I'm guessing this is the promotion?"

"I couldn't tell anyone, I'm sorry." You told him.

"Couldn't even tell your boyfriend?" He asked with a cold tone.

"Spence it's temporary. They didn't want you or your team to think I was going to be here forever." You said before you headed up the steps. 

The case was hard and everyone was beat so they went back to the hotel. You strolled around the hotel until you found Spencer's room. You knocked until he answered. You knew he was angry with you, but you didn't want him to be. 

He pulled you in the room without a word. Your lips clashed with his as he closed the door. Your fingers gripped the back of his head to make the kiss deeper. Spencer pulled you closer to him and he let you push him to the bed. 

"I'm the boss." You whispered in his ear. 

"You're the boss."He repeated.

You and Spencer had a happy night.

A/N: Short and sloppy because I was just being a lazy writer today. Sorry. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now