You're Coming Home

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Warning Spoilers for 12x21!!!!!!!! Don't Read if you don't want to get spoiled 

"Emily, what are you doing here?" You asked when you opened the door of your friends house. You were living there until everything that was going on with Reid was done. You still visited his mom, and visited him when you could.

"We have a break in his case, but we need to know if you've seen the woman before." she held up a picture of the nurse you'd seen taking care of Diane.

"Yeah Carol the woman that takes care of Diane, she told me she was an assistant to the main nurse." You said. 

Emily sighed and put the picture down. "She killed the real nurse and has abducted Diane. Since there were pictures in her apartment that had you present in them I'm going to have to take you back to the BAU with us."

"What?!" You said in disbelief. "Why didn't I know about this?"

"Lindsey has disguised herself and we don't know why exactly she's doing this to Spencer." You started to panic. You thought it was your fault for not knowing that. "Y/n it's not your fault."

"I should've known!" You cried. "I should've never moved out."

"It's not your fault. Lindsey had all of us fooled. Including me." You walked out the house and closed the door. 

"How is he taking it?" You sniffed.

"As expected, seeing you might cheer him up or make him less worried about his mom."

"I don't want to be just a distraction for you guys. He's my boyfriend, I'm not going to mess him up like that."

"You might just want to see him. I can make it happen." 

"Not if I could have stopped his mother from being kidnapped."

When you got to the BAU you sat down at Spencer's desk that was a little dusty, but it had a picture of just you. You smiled at it and pulled out a book to read while time past.

"Y/n, we have enough evidence to get Spence out. We're going to go get him right now." JJ told you. You ran so fast to get in that SUV.

You stayed outside with Garcia while JJ and Luke went in. You waited for him to come out. "Are you nervous?" You asked while you paced around the SUV.

"No, I'm tired and I really just want Reid out of prison." Garcia said.

You waited a little while longer before the gates finally opened and Spencer came out. He had saw Garcia first so he hugged her first. You were behind the SUV and you slowly came from behind it. 

"Spencer!" You leaped into his arms. "You're coming home baby!" You held onto him for dear life. You felt some tears on your shoulders so you let yours fall too.

"I've missed you so much." Spencer whispered.

"I love you so much." You said back.

"I love you too." He pulled away first, but not before placing a sweet kiss on your lips. "Now let's go save my mom." 

A/N: This Episode is my fave from the entire season 12 and I love it. 

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