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"Spencer what about him?" You pointed out a guy that was way across the bar. Spencer shrugged his shoulders.

"Y/n I really don't understand your need for a boyfriend." He took a sip of his drink.

"I don't have a need Spence, I just like to have someone to hold and cuddle me, you know."

"No I don't." Spencer responded.

"You just don't want me to find anyone so you can keep me to yourself and we can always have Doctor Who marathons." You rolled your eyes and lightly pushed him. You didn't notice the guy that you pointed out was on his way over to you.

"Excuse me, can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure." You gave him flirty eyes. You kicked Spencer symbolizing that he needs to leave. 

Spencer mumbled under his breath and took his drink over to Morgan who was talking to another girl, but Garcia was near him so he went to talk to her.

"He's cute, Y/n seems to be enjoy the time you left her."

"Sure." He mocked you. 

"I'm sure the right girl will come soon for you Spence." Garcia patted his shoulder.

Spencer watched as you laughed and drank with this new person of liking. He couldn't stand the smug grin on the guys face. It's like he knew that he had you wrapped around his finger. What he would do to that guy if he put his hands on you. 

Pretty soon you were super drunk and wobbling when you walked. The guy put his hands on your hips to stabilize you. He was holding you a little too tight. It was starting to get hot so you tried to push away from him, but his grasp was too strong. "Let go." You whispered.

"No I don't think that would be a good idea seeing that you're drunk out of your mind." 

"No I'm not! Let go!" You yelled over the loud music. 

Everyone was on the dance floor dancing and they couldn't hear or see you struggling against this man. You kicked and shoved but his grip remained. Some tears started to fall, but you didn't always know what to do when you were drunk. 

Spencer saw you just standing there with a worried expression coving your beautiful face. He went to confront the guy. 

"Y/n I thinks it's time you go home." Spencer wrapped his arm around you.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm her coworker at the FBI and her best friend. I suggest you unhand her unless you want to be charged with assault on an federal agent." The guy unhanded you, so Spencer stood you up straight and walked you out of the club.

You had started to cry uncontrollably, because you thought you couldn't feel your legs. "Y/n it's not that far of a walk to the car."

"I can't feel my legs!!!!" 

Spencer sighed and picked you up bridal style. 

"You the unsub now Spence!!" You shouted in the parking lot.

"I don't know about that Y/n."

"Yes! You are thy unsub!!!!"

"Shh keep it down a little." Spencer safely tucked you into your car before grabbing your keys out of your pocket. 

Spencer drove you home, but by time you got there you were out. Spencer carried you up to your apartment where he opened it with his own key that you'd even him. 

He put you down in your bed and tucked you in. He turned to leave, but you grabbed his arm. "Please don't leave me!"

"I wasn't I was going to sleep on the couch."

"Stay and sleep in the bed with me please." You scooted over and patted the spot.

"I don't know about that..."

"Please Spence!!!"

"Okay okay." Spencer took off his shoes and slipped in the bed with you, but in a nice distance away. It was you that cuddled next to him.

"Spencer why aren't you my boyfriend?"

"Uh- um..." Spencer didn't answer because you started snoring softly. He just smiled and put his head on your head. 

A/N: It had no real plot. I was busy, but I really wanted to write you guys something. 

I have another story going as well It's an interracial story about Chris Evans (Captain America). It includes Matthew and the character has a very nice relationship with Matthew. You have to read it to understand what I'm talking about. 

To find it you can go on my page and find it. It's title is Unconditionally. I'd really like if at least one person viewed it and told me what they think about it.

P.S. Also please feel free to request things. My brain is running out of new material kind of.

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