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"Oh wow." You groaned as you felt a pain like cramps only worse.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked.

"Nothing I'm okay." You assured him but it was a lie. You felt another sharp pain.

"Wincing- because of contractions- Y/n! You're going into labor!"

"No no I'm not Spencer!" You told him but then your water broke.

"Oh my- okay, okay, okay I gotta call JJ."

"Spencer there is no time for that!" You groaned.

"Right no time." Spencer picked up his phone to call 911. "They said they're on they're way."

"Spencer give me your hand." You reached out.

"Why?"  He looked at his hand

"Just give me your hand!!!" You screamed.

Spencer put his hand in yours and you squeezed it.

"Owww that hurts but it's completely understandable-"



"Shut up."

You started screaming more from the pain. Spencer wanted to make it hurt less but he couldn't.

"Now you can call JJ." You told him when the paramedics came in. "Call the team."

Spencer got in the back seat with you while you were taken to the hospital.

When they wheeled you into the room they told you that you were already too far for any medicine.

"What!? No!"

"Y/n it's okay."

"I'm not pushing this baby out without any things to relieve the pain."

"I'm sorry but you have to start pushing now."

You pushed the hardest you could. Again and again and again.

"I see the head!" The doctor yelled.

Spencer's eyes wandered down to where the doctors hands were. He was entranced with the way your body has produced a human.

He couldn't think long before you were squeezing the oxygen out of his hand again.

"Ahhhh!" He screamed with you this time.

"Dr. Reid why are you screaming?" One of the nurses asked.

"Oh you know- just screaming for my wife." He was actually screaming because your nails were clawing into his skin now.

"One more big push Y/n." You sighed and gained all your strength to push once more.

And there it was out of you in the world. Your child that you and Spencer produced.

"It's a girl!" The doctor announced.

You grinned and leaned your head back. "Spence we have a girl!!!!" You let go of his hand. "Did I do that?" You looked down at where he had marks on his skin.

"Yeah but it's okay you did so good." He kissed your sweaty forehead.

After a couple minutes they came back with the baby. They put her in your arms so you could hold her.

"She's so beautiful." You held onto her little hand. "Hi there sweetie, I'm your mommy."

You had a couple more minutes with her while Spencer went to tell the rest of the team.

Spencer walked out with his protective cover still on. "It's a girl!!" He announced.

The team shouted in joyfulness. They hugged Reid with love.

"Now don't tell me you passed out during the birth?" Morgan teased.

"No I was very awake during it. Y/n made sure of that."

"How?" Garcia asked.

"She almost cut the oxygen out of my hand. She didn't have medicine."

"Oh wow even with the medicine it hurts but an all natural birth is really- I don't know how I'd do it." JJ said.

"Well okay we will catch up with you and Y/n and see the baby later. We need food and you need to spend some time alone with the baby." Rossi said.

Spencer went back into the room where you were still smiling down at the baby.

"What should we name her?" You asked.

"What do you want to name her?"

"Well I was thinking Emily, because I wanted her name to be the name of her godmother."

"Alright Emily it is then."

"Emily Jennifer Penelope Reid."

"Why'd you add names in?" Spencer was confused.

"Penny won't be happy if I don't put her name somewhere in this babies name and she isn't the godmother."

"Okay then it can just be Emily Penelope Reid."

"But what about JJ?"

"We don't need to put everyone's name in her middle name."

"Whatever you say." You shrugged. "Would you like to hold her?"

Spencer nodded and he carefully took her from your arms. "Hi, you look so much like your mommy." He gently rocked her. "I'm never letting you go, you're my greatest creation."

Spencer looked over and you were already asleep. "I love you so much." He kissed your forehead and then the baby's head.

A/N: I hope the person who requested this likes it. Ik it's not as funny and it's more cute and fluffy

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now