Don't Want Pain This Christmas

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Sum: Things happen and yeah 

Broken. No breaking. You were breaking. You were at a breaking point. You watched the fire burning it felt like everything was burning. You couldn't hear anything, nothing over the loud screams of you name... You thought  back to the beginning. 

"Y/n! Spencer!" Your mom greeted you at the door. "Momma!" You hugged her giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Come inside it's freezing out there." Spencer brought the bags through the door. "Lizzie!" You hugged your younger sister. "Y/n!" You exchanged hugs and went on with business. You and your sister never fully got along, but you could tolerate her. She tried to be better at everything, she even decide she was going to get a better boyfriend, but Spencer was enough for you. 

You went around the house saying hi to family members. "Where's this boyfriend of yours, I want to meet him?" Cousins asked. "He's around here somewhere..." You searched for him, finding him giving a lecture on something science related. "Babe, I want to show you around." You did just that, showing off your perfect boyfriend that you loved more than anything. Your sister showed her boyfriend around too. 

You felt anger, but you calmed down, because you had Spencer. You had the love of you life right next to you. You didn't have to worry about her, she was nothing. 

As the night went on You grew more and more tired, tired of competing with your sister. "You alright babe?" You glance up to see Spencer holding a drink. "Yeah I'm just super tired." 

"Go to bed..." You yawned. "No... I want to stay up." Spencer put the drink on a coaster. He grabbed your hands pulling you up. "We get up early tomorrow, and I want you to be energized." He guided you to the room you guys would be sleeping in. "Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself, I know how shy you are." 

"I'm fine, I just want you to get comfortable." He opened the suitcase finding what he was looking for something. He pulled out shorts and a tank top. He proceeded to undressing you and then dressing you. "Goodnight darling." Spencer kissed you and then walked out the room. Soon you were sleep.

When you woke up in the morning expecting to wake up to Spencer you woke up to the room shower going. Your head hurt and you needed a shower yourself. "Hey baby... You're up..." He was acting strangely weird, not like always. "Yeah, when I get out the shower, you can tell me about last night..." Before you shut the door he turned pale. "You okay?" 

"Yeah fine..." You smiled and took your shower. 

Once you got out you met Spencer in the living room, which he was in with my sister and her boyfriend. Your parents entered the living room also, they were tired. "Let's get this over with so we can go back to bed." Your mom sighed. Everyone opened their presents. You got a nice ring that made you squeal, so did your sister. 

Night came and family started to fill in. You showed off you ring around to everyone, before your sister could.

"Whoa did you and Y/n have a wild night or something?" You heard one of your cousins say something to Spencer. That couldn't be right, you didn't give him any hickeys cause you wanted him to look clean. Spencer said nothing, but you were already there to meet him. "Where?" Your cousin pointed it out, the makeup was smearing. You stepped back and grabbed the nearest glass. You looked at Lizzie before chucking the glass at her head. It shattered after hitting her. "Y/n!" Everyone screamed. 

"Couldn't do one thing for me could you, you just had to find something to hurt me." She groaned in pain. "What are you talking about?" She grabbed her bloody head. "You just had to take everything, my life, my love!" You started feeling the tears, but you sucked them up and turned to Spencer who was now standing trying to talk to you. 

"And you!" You felt everything break. You couldn't even look at him. There was a random baseball bat that was sitting by the door. You took it going outside in the cold. 

So you were broken now. You brought the bat across the windshield of Spencer car. It wasn't even yours so why bother to persevere it. You were heartbroken. "Y/n!!!" Everyone screamed.

"Take your fucking ring and burn Spencer!!!" You threw it at him. 

Once you were back home you instantly went to Emily for comfort. 

You got a lot of voicemails from both your sister and Spencer. 

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I love you so much, call me and I'll promise I'll tell you what happened... bye." You sighed throwing your phone. You didn't want so much pain for a Christmas present. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now