Lovely Sights

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Warnings: None just fluff 

Spencer was undeniably tired. The team had just come back from a hard case. They saved the person, but many people died before they could. He just wanted to be home with you. The thought of you made his lips curl into a smile as he unlocked the door. 

Little feet scattered across the floor symbolizing that you and Spencer's 2 year old caught was still up. "Daddy!" She ran to him. 

"Hey little bug!" He sat his stuff down and picked her up. "How are you?" He placed a light kiss on her head as he walked into the house more. 

"Good." She answered his question.

He smiled. "That's good, have you been good for mommy?" He asked.

"She's been an angel." You said coming around the corner. "She helped me clean the dishes , helped me feed her brother, she ate her vegetables." You smiled at your daughter who looked like you with a hint of Spencer. "Come on Y/d/n, time for bed." You held you hands out.

"I wan daddy tuck me in." She said. 

Spencer took your daughter into her room and placed her down in her bed. "Goodnight little big."

"Night night daddy." She rubbed her eyes whilst yawing. Spencer closed the door and headed back into the living room where you were placing some things. What a lovely sight that was to him. 

"She waited all night for you to come home...said she didn't want to go to be without hugging you goodnight." You walked over to him. "Anyways how was the case?"

"It was like any other one, but I'm glad to be home." He cupped your cheek. "You look so tired."

You nodded and kissed the palm of his hand. "Y/s/n took only one nap today which was cut short when Y/d/n turned on the tv and woke him, but he's sleeping now I think." You sighed. 

Spencer pressed a warm kiss to your lips. The moment was pure and sweet until a cry cut it off. You moved from Spencer's embrace to go see what your 5 month old son needed.

"I'll get it sweetheart, go lie down." He stopped you.

You smiled giving his lips another peck before going into your bedroom down the hall. 

Spencer went into you guys sons room. His small cries and waling coming to a stop. He observed Spencer before starting the cry again. "Shh little guy..." Spencer quickly realized that he needed a diaper change. 

To calm the child Spencer hummed a soft lullaby while changing him. He cradled the little boy in his arms until he'd fallen asleep. Spencer placed a kiss on his head. He put him back carefully in his crib before exiting and going to his own bedroom. 

He saw you already asleep in your guys king sized bed. You were snoring softly, your hair scattered over the pillows, but nevertheless you were beautiful. Spencer always thought you were beautiful. 

Quietly as to not disturb your slumber Spencer undressed and slipped on some pajama pants and a shirt. He slipped under the covers next to you. 

"Did you get Y/s/n to sleep?" You mumbled still in a sleepy daze. 

"Yes, get some sleep sweetheart." 

"Goodnight love you." 

"Love you too." Spencer cuddled you as the big spoon kissing your hair. 

A/N: Wow posted two times in a row!

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