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Eyes wide open, you stared at the figure laying in front of you. It's breathing slowing and then quickening. You knew the nightmare would be bad tonight so you didn't bother sleeping. Part of you wanted to reach out and touch the figure. It had climbed into bed in the middle of the morning and fallen asleep as soon as it's head hit the pillow. Tonight was another night that would make you wonder about things.

What would you do if the nightmares don't stop? Who would be there when you broke down? How would you break down? 

Your thoughts were interrupted by the shuffling of the figure. The light glared into the pitch black room scraping its gleam in your open eyes. You closed them tightly and readjusted so you could still stare. You couldn't resist reaching your small fingers out to touch the soft skin. It shifted again causing you to flinch and move your hand away, but then the figure moved. It wrapped it's long fingers around your wrist and pulled your hand back in place. 

"Good morning beautiful." It spoke in a calm voice.

"Good morning Spencer." Spencer. Spencer. Like music to your ears, saying his name. Sounds like magic rolling off the tip of your tongue. Sweet Spencer, such a beautiful person. 

He captured your lips in a sweet kiss that still tasted of coffee from his previous day. Another moment and his phone would ring bringing him back to his life. 

"I love you." You said when he was grabbing his things. "I love you too." He kissed your forehead and left the house. 

You got ready for work as the assistant manager of a company. Tired and uncomfortable you sat your head on the desk.

"Hey, Y/n what's wrong?" A co-worker walked up to you. You thought about what to say before deciding that you had to talk about the nightmares.

"Have you ever loved someone so much that you're worried that they will leave." You told Sandy, the girl that wasn't close and she wouldn't be bias. 

"Sure, of course everyone has that person;what about it?"

"I keep having these nightmares about Spencer, my boyfriend, reaching into me and taking my heart out and crushing it in his hands." She looked worried.

"Why would you think about that?"

"Because I have so many flaws and no guy has ever treated me like Spencer does, with so much care."

"Well darling, the best thing I would do is talk to him about it and see what he says."

"Okay, thanks."

"No problem."

You did like Sandy said and went home and thought about what to say to Spencer. The only problem was that you didn't know when he would come home. You waited patiently in bed for him and he did soon come home. This was the time to confront him.

"Spencer, can we talk?" You asked as he climbed into bed with you. 

"Uh yeah sure what about?" He licked his lips nervously. 

"I- I've been having these nightmares." You started. "You take my heart and crush it and I die." By this time you were sobbing and Spencer had pulled you into his chest. "Y/n don't ever think like that, I love you no matter what and I will always love you."

"I love you unconditionally and don't you ever forget that."

"I love you too Spencer and thank you for letting me talk talk about this." 

"Anything beautiful." You went to bed finally being able to sleep. 

A/N: Not that anyone cares, but I making a new story that is NOT Spencer Reid, but Chris Evans. It's not published yet but I'll tell you when it is if you want. 

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