Hurt Pt.2

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Point of View Change: 1st Person 

I drove to Spencer's apartment with tear stained eyes. My mind and heart in pain. 


I cleared my throat before speaking. "Yes Sweetheart?"

"Do you love uncle Spence?" She asked. I looked at her through the rearview mirror.

"Of course, he's my best friend." 

"No, do you love him like you love daddy?" Lia is a smart girl, genius almost, she knows a lot about things just by observing them.

"Why would you think that?" I asked turning the corner to Spencer's place. 

"You happy with Uncle Spence more than Daddy." I nodded my head and parked. 

I grabbed her out of her carseat and let her walk to the door while I got the bags. "Doesn't mean I don't love your dad still." I held her hand while walking up the stairs to his apartment. 

I knocked once on the door and Spencer opened it. "God Spencer that was fast." I joked.

"Sorry, I just heard your voice coming up the stairs." Spencer rubbed his neck. "Come in please, make your home."

I shrugged my bags down by the door and picked Lia up. "Spencer thank you so much for this, you have no idea how much this means to me."

"I do understand how much this means to you." Spencer shrugged. His hands were in his pocket and he was standing awkwardly. 

Lia was falling asleep in my arm while I rocked side to side. "Is there somewhere I can put her so we can talk?" I asked.

"Of course, she can sleep in the bed. I changed the sheets for you and her. I was going to sleep on the couch." Spencer offered. 

"You didn't have to sleep on the couch. It's only for one night that we are going to stay." I put Lia down and covered her with the covers 

Spencer didn't say anything, instead he grabbed two glasses and poured a little wine in each. He handed one to you and the other he kept to himself. "So tell me about Jonathan."

"What's to talk about?" I sat on the couch and took a sip of wine.

"Just talk about him." Spencer sat down next to me.

"Well, when Lia was born he was great, the best dad and boyfriend ever. When she was one, we had an argument about me being gone all the time; it chipped our relationship. When she was two he cheated on me with his 'friend'; that cracked our relationship. Now he's been cheating and doing drugs while Lia is in the house; I finally let it break the relationship." I was starting to cry, but Spencer wrapped me in a hug.

"You know Lia asked me something earlier?"

"Really, what did she ask?" I stared at his pink lips then back up to his brown eyes.

"She asked if I love you like I love Johnathan."

Spencer tensed, "Well- um- D-do you?" He licked his lips nervously. 

"I think I love you more." I chuckled. 

Spencer pulled my face to line with his. His hands on each side of my face. I closed the gap between us and connected our lips together. Spencer kissed back tenderly, his hands held my face in place while he asked for entrance with his tongue. I allowed his tongue to explore your mouth. He groaned into the kiss.

There was a knock at the door that startled you both. Spencer got up and opened it. "Y/n it's for you."

I went to the door to see Johnathan at the door. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I wanted to say goodbye to my daughter, and to you."

"Lia is sleep, but I will let you see her tomorrow when I will officially take your name off the lease."

"Y/n please just give me another chance." He begged.

"No, no more chances; you and I are done. You won't see Lia for awhile, don't call me or show up at places you know I'll be."


"Goodbye Johnathan." I shut the door on him.

I turned around and saw Spencer standing in front of me. 

"Thank you Spencer."

"You're welcome Y/n." He embraced me in a loving hug. 

A/n: Sorry this is such crap, I'm lazy since it's Easter break.

I'll stick with 2nd person Point of View cause 1st just doesn't work right with reader to me 

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