A Family Matter pt.3

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Black reader


Warning: season 12 spoilers, suggestive sexual content

"Y/n stand down!" You heard Prentiss yell at you but you were already face to face with the unsub. You took a deep breath and began to talk.

"I know you're hurting and you killed those people because they hurt you, but you can stop now." You tried to reason with him.

"I need help." He said.

"I know and if you come with us then we will get you the help that you need. Just put the gun down and we can help you." You carefully reached for his gun successfully disarming him.

When Alvez handcuffed him you took a deep breath with a sigh of relief.

"Y/n you could've been killed!" Prentiss yelled at you.

"Yeah well why wasn't I?" You pushed past her while taking off your vest. It was beginning to be too tight to put on given the fact that you're pregnant.

"Y/n the baby could've gotten hurt." JJ stopped you.

"It didn't, it's fine." You looked down at your belly bump.

"Y/n we need to talk about this, about you and Spencer and-"

"God JJ can't you stay out of this!?" You yelled at her before getting in the car. After that she said nothing else to you. No one said anything to you until you got back to the BAU.

Emily wanted to talk to you about your behavior in the field. "Come in." You had knocked on her door.

"You wanted to speak with me?" You had an attitude.

"Y/n I'm just worried about you." Emily was standing now.

"What about me?"

"Well are you talking to anyone about what's going on?" She asked while sitting back on her desk

"You mean like a consular?"


"Why would I need that? I have a degree in phycology."

"Y/n I know how stressed you are."

"I'm just getting to know you, how do you know how stressed I am?" You looked her in the eyes.

"I see it in you and I'm your friend plus the others have seen it."

A knock on the door interrupted her. It was JJ who had entered the room now.

"JJ I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm just really tired." You stood up and hugged her, careful of your growing bump.

"I know you are and Emily and I know how to help that stress a little bit. But we have to hurry." JJ said.

You got in the back seat of the SUV. Emily and JJ sat in the front seat.

"JJ how did you feel when you were pregnant with Henry?" You asked out of the blue.

"I was scared, excited, but mostly scared."

"And you had Will by your side the whole pregnancy?"

"For the most part yes, why do you ask?"

"Just wanted to know."

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