Not So Broken Heart**

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Warnings: Sexual content, very rough sex, ¡Dom!Spence, Language 


You walked into the apartment you shared with Spencer, your boyfriend of 3 years. You were guilty and needed a shower to rinse it from your body.

"Hello Y/n?" Spencer stood in the dark kitchen.

You jumped startled by him being home. "Spence you're back early." You put your things down going in for a hug to greet him. 

Spencer gripped your wrist tightly. His eyes going a bit darker. 

"Spence, you're hurting me." You tired to pull away only to get slammed into the nearest wall. Your hands hoisted up by Spencer's left hand while his other gripped your face to hold it in place as he spoke. "Spencer?"

"Was I not enough Y/n? Did someone else have what I didn't?" He spoke calmly. "Answer me."

"No Spencer it was meant to be a one time thing I swear! I was just lonely thats all!" You tried to explain as he dragged you along with him into the bedroom. 

He said nothing at first when he was looking through his drawers to find ties. "Strip." He commanded.

You hesitated before stripping down out of your clothes. "Spencer...What are you gonna do to me?" You knew Spencer would never hurt you, but right now you had to ask. 

He turned around with three ties in his hand, all purple. "Give me your wrist." 

"Spencer?" You asked again. Despite the fact you thought he was about to murder you, you were actually really turned on. 

"Don't make me repeat myself." He grasped your hair in his hand that didn't have any ties in it. 

You gave him your wrist willingly and he ties them together tightly. The second tie he wrapped around your eyes to block your visions. This made you call out to him again only to be answered by a light push. You fell on the bed and then your ankles were tied together. 

Spencer chuckled darkly as he watched you squirm around on the bed. "I had Garcia ping your cell phone when I started noticing you acting different when I came home. Never thought you'd actually cheat on me... guess I was wrong." Spencer flipped you over on your stomach. 

You gasped and tried to grab at the sheets when a hard slap came across your bum. You and Spencer had done some kinky shit before so it wasn't weird for him to spank you. You squirmed and wiggled your ass again. Although you didn't understand what was going on, you wanted more of this. 

"I'm gonna teach you a lesson sweetheart, try to learn from it." Spencer growled in your ear. He spanked you again before leveling his mouth with your core. He licked up your slit tasting you. 

You moaned out. You tried getting more friction, but he was controlling everything. His tongue was making you feel so good in the moment, but that didn't last long. "Spencer I-I'm-"

Spencer pulled away causing a whine to escape your lips. He pulled you up by your bind wrist. "You don't get to enjoy this." He kissed your neck. He was marking what was supposed to be his. You were his girl, but he couldn't keep you happy. He needed to let all the anger that he had out on you. 

He pull the tie from your eyes. You winched at the bright light you were now exposed to. "Spencer?" You tried to turn around, but your bind wrist were untied and you fell into the king sized bed. Your feet were the last to get untied. You turned yourself over on your back. 

For the first time of the night your lips attached to his. You wanted- no needed to make up for what you did. You were ashamed and just wanted his forgiveness. Because even though you made the mistake, you still needed him in your life.

Spencer pulled away first. He pushed you back onto the bed. He knew you were ready by your pleading eyes. He lined himself up with your entrance.  

You both let out semi-loud moans as Spencer entered you. He started off with slow thrust until you pulled at the sheets and begged him to go faster. He complied completely. 

Spencer's hips rutted into you at lightning speed. The bed was creaking, the backboard no doubt hitting the wall as he fucked you. 

"Spence" You cried out. You were a moaning mess. Your hair spread out on the pillows. Your nails were digging into the flesh of Spencer's back. He gripped your hips tightly, no doubt bruising you. 

"You gonna come sweetheart... come for me." Spencer applied rough pressure on your clit causing your orgasm to wash over you. Spencer kissed your neck and rode out your high. He came jest second later. 

Spencer pulled off of you a panting mess. He stared up at the ceiling trying to regain his breath. "Spencer?" You said running your hand through his hair. "I'm sorry."

Spencer looked at you and then back at the ceiling. " me."

A/N: I didn't really know how to end it, but I hope the person who requested it will enjoy it. Sorry it's late.  I got busy again. 

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