Mistakes pt.2

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Warning: Language 

"Y/n, I got that file for you." Emily handed you the file. 

You quickly put it in your bag before Spencer came back from filling up his coffee cup. "Thank you." You mouthed to her. 

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked when you sighed.

"Nothing. Listen, I'm going on a business trip so I won't be home this week."

Spencer squinted his eyes at you. "Are you lying to me?" 

"No why would you think that?" You swallowed hard.

"You've been acting weird."

The past few days you've been on edge because of the new of your pregnancy and the thought of Spencer finding out what you did on an early note. You had plans to tell and him and only if you found out the baby isn't his.

"I'm not lying to you about going on a business trip if that's what you're worried about." I huffed and picked up my bag. "If you'd excuse me I have a business to run." You left him looking sad and part of you was dying from guilt. 

You were on your flight to L.A. since you heard he was staying there. luckily Garcia was able to get cellphone info, hotel info, and a background. You read through most of the file on the flight. You couldn't believe you had gotten yourself into this. 

Once you landed you got a hotel room at the same place he was staying, then you went to search for him. Garcia did work wonders as you found his room number. 

"Here goes nothing." You sighed and knocked on the door.

After a few seconds the door opened reveling a very sweaty Tom. 

"Hi, can I help you?" He said with his British standing out.

"Um hi, Tom, I'm not sure you remember me, but I'm Y/n. We met about a month ago in Montreal?"

"Oh! Y/n! Right of course I would remember you. I know you looked familiar. Come in please." He opened the door for me to come in. 

"Yes, I have to talk to you about something." You said setting your purse down on the couch. "Do you wanna sit down and talk?"

"Sure if that's comfortable for you." You both sat down on the couch.

You took a deep breath and looked down at your hands. "A couple of days ago I found out some news."

"Oh shit... are you pregnant?" He sighed.

You raised your eyebrows. "Yeah, yeah I am." 

"How long?" He asked.

"About 3 weeks."

"Are you sure it's mine?"

"No I'm not, but I thought I should tell you just in case." You stood up and grabbed your purse. 

He grabbed your hand making you stop. "Would you like to go out to dinner with me?"

Why was he asking you out to dinner? That's odd. Any other guy would run for his life. "Not to be rude, but why?"

"I wanna get to know the mother of 'maybe my child', and you're super cute." He stood up. 

You blushed, but thought of Spencer. You shouldn't say yes, but his accent is too cute and he's too cute and you bet he just got back from the gym and he's sexy when in gym clothes. "Sure, I'd like that."

So you two went out for dinner and that's when the problems started happening. After dinner you'd made that mistake of going back to his place, the first mistake that got you in this position in the first place. It didn't stop there either. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now