Doesn't Matter

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Warning: Really heavy and deep 

Spencer watched as you got dressed in your usual work clothes. Your chocolate skin shining in the sun. Your hair straightened from you doing it yourself. You tried to ignore the staring of others when you were out, but Spencer couldn't stop staring at you if he tried. 

Being black and a woman wasn't really easy when it came to getting into the BAU. You had to be the best you could be and that's what you were. Almost better than Spencer with an IQ of 179 and a very precise memory of things. You didn't have an eidetic or photographic memory, but 99% of the time it was on point. 

So when people judge you off the color of your skin, they don't realize how much you are really worth. You spent all your life trying to please others and be like everyone else and then you realize that you don't have to be like everyone else. Spencer doesn't want everyone else.

"Why do you always stare at me when I'm dressing?" You smirked at Spencer who was sitting on the bed.

"Because you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and staring at you gives a whole new meaning to my life." You smiled and sat next to him.

"You just say that to make me feel good." You said.

"Also Y/n, because it's true." Spencer looked straight in your eyes and saw them become glossy in a matter of seconds. His arms extended to pull you into a passionate hug. He knew why you were crying, but even the genius didn't know how to fix it.

"Y/n I told you it doesn't matter." Spencer cooed softly.

"Yes Spencer it does matter, it matters because everyone makes it matter."

"Y/n I don't care about the color of your skin, and even if I did, I'd still think you're beautiful."

"No, Spencer I'm saying that why does it still matter. what year is this again? and we still treat people of color like they are crap."

Spencer didn't say anything he just let you continue to talk and he listened to every word you said. 

"I done Spencer, I'm done. Yes I understand that it has gotten better than what it was, but still why is the world so full of hate. Why can't we all get along?" You wiped away your tears that had fallen out.

"I guess it doesn't matter, and it shouldn't matter. The point is I'm in love with who I love and that's you Spencer."

"And I'm in love with you Y/n." Spencer kissed your forehead and held you close.

A/N: So this is really personal and I just wanted to get it off my mind. I look and I really don't see a lot of Interracial  Spencer Reid fanfics and it makes me sad. I guess I just have to deal with it. Sorry if this wasn't something you wanted to read. 

It was short because I just wanted to make a point of something. 

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