Take Your Place

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You had snuck in from the back while Diane was forcing a kiss into Spencer.

You shushed Maeve and cut her out of her zip tie. "Go." You whispered and turned around where you saw Spencer.

"Liar!" Diane shouted. She started struggling when Spencer tried to take away her gun. She ended up shooting him in the arm.

When she turned back around she saw you instead of Maeve. "Where is she!?" She pointed the gun at you.

"She's gone, and you can't hurt her or Spencer again." You pointed your gun at her. "Put your gun down or I'll shoot him!" She yelled at you.

You nodded and put your gun down at the same time that the team showed up. In a blink of an eye Diane had you and had a gun pointed to you. "Spencer won, he has the love of his life now."

"No, don't hurt her, me for her remember?" Spencer had put his hands up.

"That was for Maeve and now she's gone." Diane pressed the gun deeper into your neck.

"You don't have to do this, I will take her place!" Spencer argued

"I love you." You told him.

"You would take her place?" She asked

"Yes! Yes I would!" Spencer yelled.

"I love you." You repeated. You had tears streaming down your face now because you knew what was about to come.

"Well then..." Diane put the gun to her own head.

"WAIT!!!" Spencer screamed.

Diane fell to the ground as well as you. Blood covered the floor. The team watched in horror looking at your dead body.

Spencer couldn't do anything but cry. Maeve came out from behind a big machine. She looked at you and then to Spencer.

"That should have been me." You walked to him. He kept crying over you never once looking up to Maeve.

"She loved me." He sobbed.

Weeks to come he would still grieve over the loss of his best friend or maybe the real love of his life.

A/N: This was a short Drabble again. Told you guys I was watching season 8 again. Still crying tho.

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