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"Spencer look at those two!" You shrieked when you saw Morgan and Prentiss. "Aren't they cute?!"

"Sure, but I don't think they like each other like that."

You turned around to face your boyfriend of a year. "I think they do." You rolled your chair to sit behind him. You started to tickle at his sides.

"Stop! You know I'm ticklish!" Spencer chuckled.

"Admit that they love each other and we're going to play matchmaker." You demanded.

"Okay okay just stop the assault!" You stopped just in case he was going to hit his knee on something.

"Okay so how do we play this?" You asked after you gave his cheek a kiss.

"We make them realize it themselves like they made us."

"Are you sure about this?" Spencer worried.

"Yes genius now go over there and get Morgan to meet prentiss." You lightly shoved him towards Morgan. Spencer hopped over to Derek on his crutches.

"Hey you Hotch wants you to get some files from the file room." Spencer lied.

"Um okay, but prentiss is already down there."

"Just telling you what the boss said." Spencer shrugged his shoulders.

Derek rolled his eyes and went down to the file room. You smiled at Spencer who had made his way back to you.

"See it wasn't that bad." You looked around the room making sure nobody was watching so you could lean in. You leaned in for a kiss on the lips.

"Not in the workplace." Hotch said when he walked passed you and Spencer. You pulled away from him and you both bit your lips.

"Ugh Morgan!" Emily slammed the papers down on the desk.

"What's wrong?"

"Morgan made a box of file fall on my head and then he laughed!" Emily rubbed the top of her head while Morgan walked in with a loud laugh.

"Prentiss it was funny!" Morgan grabbed her shoulder.

"Only to you!" Emily smiled and a blush crept up her cheeks.

"They definitely like each other!" I shout whispered to Spencer. Spencer shrugged his shoulders.

"You guys should come to dinner with me and Spencer tomorrow, I'll text you the address." You turned around while pulling Spencer with you.

"We aren't going to dinner they are."

"What?" Spencer asked in confusion.

"Just follow along with me." You rolled your eyes at Spencer's cluelessness when it came to relationships. You loved him though.

The next night you texted the address to Emily and Derek so they would show up at the restaurant at the same time. You had the host sit them at a table outside.

"Y/n won't they see us?" Spencer hopped on one leg while using his crutches for support.

"No we're going to be behind these bushes. They won't see a thing." You squatted down. Spencer just stood biting his lip.

"Oh crap I forgot you can't get down." You looked around for something for him to sit on and you found a rock on the side of the building that would hide him from sight.

"Sit here Spence." You helped him. You went back to the spot you were at and waited for them to sit and start a conversation.

Once they did start a conversation it was really interesting. "Y/n and Reid are trying to get us together you know that right?"

"Yes of course, but were going to continue to make them think we don't know right?" Morgan said.

"Yes, lets get out of here because they aren't coming." Emily picked up her purse.

"Spencer can you believe this?"

"That you've been played... yes?" Spencer smirked.

"No I mean that- ugh yes I've been played." You sighed and stood up. "I should really stay out of people's lives." You helped Spencer up and hugged him.

"Yeah you should."

A/N: hey guys I'm sorry it took long to post this. Again I'm going to be writing on my phone the whole summer so it's going to be slow updates.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now