A Mistake

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You woke up next to your boyfriend for over a year. The sun was shining down brightly into your eyes. "Spencer wake up you have to go to work." You mumbled, still half asleep. 

"I'm already up." He said coming out of the bathroom. He was fixing his purple tie when you turned around. You slumped back, but then you looked at the clock and realized you were late to open the book store that you owned. 

"You have to go to work Y/n." Spencer mocked. You threw a pillow at him and laughed when it messed him up on his tie. 

"Y/n!" He wined. You smiled bringing yourself to meet his eyes when you got up. 

"I'm sorry if I have morning breath." You spoke to him while you fixed his tie. 

"It's okay, you're still beautiful." You blushed deep red when Spencer's hands started moving up your thigh. You were on your knees on the bed so you matched his stance. His eyes were fixated on you when he leaned in to capture your lips for a kiss. 

You kissed back deeper and with more force causing Spencer to grab hold of your face to shove his tongue down your throat. 

"Mmh Spencer..." You pulled away from the kiss. Your lips were swollen from the suffocating kiss. "You and I both need to go to work." You told him. You had finished his tie so he was ready to go. 

"Just one more kiss please." He begged. You give in and placed a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Now go or you won't get anything from me." You ordered. 

Spencer left you alone in the apartment you two share. You left to open the doors of your store which was already late to open. It was a store for college students to hang out and study. 

You parked your car in the spot outside the door that was reserved for you. "Ma'am!" you turned around at the shout. You were greeted with a needle in your arm making you pass out. 

"Hey Garcia!" Spencer walked into Garcia's office. "Can you do me a favor and ping Y/n's cell I'm worried because she didn't pick up and she always picks up?"

"Sure thing boy wonder." Garcia pinged the cell and found it in the right spot. It was in your book store.

"Hmm, okay thanks Garcia;I'm going to go by there to make sure she's alright, but don't tell the team. 

"Okay I will keep your secret little genius." She smiled. 

Spencer took the subway down to your job and then walked to your bookstore. He looked in the window when he saw that it still said closed. Spencer pulled out his phone, but dropped it when he got tasered in the side. 

You woke up shortly after being drugged, your sides hurt along with your arms. You were strung up in the air. 

"Do you know why you are here Miss Y/l/n?" A man asked you. He was tall with white hair and aging facial features. 

"No, why am here?" You were still hazy from the drug so you barely spoke. 

"You are here because your boyfriend made a choice that I didn't quite enjoy. Your boyfriend Dr. Spencer Reid and his team put away my son. They took away the only good thing in my life."

"That is very sad, but if my boyfriend put him away that most likely means he was a serial killer." You told him. Spencer always told you if you got kidnapped, never show them fear or try to be dominant in anyway. 

"That is where you are very wrong ma'am; they wrongfully accused my son and now he is spending life in prison."

"So are you trying to get into prison by kidnapping me?" You asked with a confused tone. You were still struggling to get out of your binds.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now