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Sum: reader is sent to 'eliminate' Spencer  

"Ma'am your presence is needed in the bosses office." You nodded to your student in training. You stood up from your office walking down the hall with your hands by your sides. Your mind was on another thing besides the fact that you were receiving another mission. "Agent Y/l/n sit down." You complied sitting down in the soft gray chair. "I have a mission for you, only you can complete this mission." He looked for understanding, you softly nodded. "Your ability to go undercover and kill innocent is why you are going on this mission."

"Sir, you know I don't kill children I-" You were cut off by your bosses hand going up. "No children, a man, this particular man in the BAU. Dr. Spencer Reid." He handed you the file. You looked over it quickly. "Almost the same skill set as me." You looked back at your boss. "That's why you are so good for this job, you will be going undercover as a profiler in the BAU, acting like you love the team and when the time is right, after you have built a friendship with the doctor, you will kill him. Understood." 

"Understood, when do I start?" You asked standing up. "Tomorrow, your transfer has already been put in the system." You grabbed the file from his desk turning to leave. You walked out to go home to your lavish pent house. You gathered your work clothes and packed them up. 

You made your way to the private jet that was starting to take off. Once you sat down you began to read over the file again. While you didn't necessarily have an eidetic memory, it was still hard for you to forget things you read. "Spencer Reid... Spencer, Spencer, Spencer." You imprinted the name into your brain. "The boy genius, IQ of 187, can read 20,000 words per minute, and 3 Phd's, with an eidetic memory..." You sipped on your coffee. "Sounds like me, just not at my capacity of genius." 

"Ma'am we are landing soon." A voice interrupted your thoughts. "Thank you." You waved them off. 

Once you landed in Virginia, the first thing you did was get settled in your small apartment, getting used to being in it. Next you studied your cover, though you didn't have a cover, you were going in with no cover. You decided it was time to call your boss to question him on this job.

"Am I going in with no cover?" You asked demandingly. "No of course not, you didn't get the memo I sent you, about this being a special mission, you will use your real first name and your last name is regular Lincoln."

"This better not be a set up I swear..." He stopped you again making you sigh. "No darling it's just... just do the mission." You sighed hanging up.

The next morning you made your way to the BAU. You put on your smile, that was fake but nobody could tell that. "Agent Hotchner, nice to finally meet you in person, I'm very excited to be working here."

"Yes, well when they told me I was getting a new member to my team I was quite confused, but I guess we needed a extra hand." He gave you a small smile handing leading you out of his office. From what you could see when you looked around, he was a single parent, he didn't smile often, and his wife was killed. You followed the man in a nice fitting suit to the conference room. You studied every face in a matter of seconds. "Team this is agent Lincoln, please welcome her." 

"Please, call me Y/n, I don't really like my last name." You sat down next to a dark but light skinned man, he was mixed from what you could tell. "Derek Morgan nice to meet you." You smiled and shook the mans hand. Looking to your other side you saw an older light skinned man. "David Rossi, I love your books by the way they are very festive." You made small talk with them while you were on the jet. The case had already been presented. "So Y/n, what do you like to do?" A woman with black hair and nice facial features asked You. You already knew her, she was Emily Prentiss, you'd seen her when you surveillance Interpol. You never engaged with her, you just watched the people for your partner so he could get closer.  

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