Do you?

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Based off Entropy 11x11: Direct quotes are not mine and they belong to the show 

Spencer was now in deep as Cat Adams was taunting him. She had known all along that this was a set up and now Spencer was playing a game with her. "Why did you take time off?"

"That doesn't matter." Spencer told her. "Yes it does now answer the question." Spencer's expression didn't change. "Did you leave because of your girlfriend?"


"Do you have a girlfriend?" 

"No." Spencer shifted in his seat. "So you do have a girlfriend? Does your team know?" She asked 

"No and no, because I do not have one." Spencer snapped at her. "You're really sour on this topic so there must be something behind it." She responded.

Spencer stared at her with a straight face, he wasn't going to let her get to him. She had already cleared out JJ and Rossi, but now it was only you, Tara, and Morgan. You sat at the bar listening to every word they said. 

"You must have one if you are trying to hide it." She said. "I'm not trying to hide anything." He spoke.

"Oh you're getting mad at me aren't you?" She teased.

"No." Spencer replied.

"Yes, you are, I can tell!"

"No offense, but you're not really worth getting angry at" Spencer miffed. You nearly choked on your drink but held it together. You looked over at the table to see him staring at Cat with an intense stare. 

"Just answer the question Spencer. Do you have a girlfriend? Yes or No." She shoved the gun into him more. "If I say yes then can we move onto the next question?" Spencer said looking at the paused time on her phone.

"Yes." She rolled her eyes. "Then yes I do." You tensed and looked down at your drink. You sipped slowly and listened carefully.

"Do you love her?" She asked. "Don't lie to me Spencer."

"Yes." You smiled a small smile that you couldn't keep off your face. 

"Okay I believe you, now tell me why you took time off..." You already knew why he had left. he took some time off for his mother, but you didn't know everything he was taking time off for. Soon it was said to be a bomb and you were to get everyone out of the restaurant. You did and Tara caught the woman who had the phone that would set off the bomb.

"Cat put it down!" Morgan yelled when she put the gun to Spencer. Morgan started negotiating.

"Cat we have your father right outside and we can take you to him if you let him go." You told her. It was a total bluff but you didn't care. "I'll go if Spencer escorts me out." You nodded at Reid. You watched him take her out and put her in the back of the truck. You waited for him when he was done. 

"So you have a girlfriend pretty boy?" Morgan slapped him on his shoulder. "Sure." Spencer smiled. "What does sure mean?" You asked him.

"It means I'm never telling." You giggled and everyone else made their ways home. You and Spencer walked with Morgan home. Morgan and Spencer had a heart to heart before he gave him back to you. "Spencer why didn't you tell me about your mom?" You guys had walked to a playground 

"I didn't want you to have to worry." You rolled you eyes. "I'm your girlfriend all I ever do is worry about you Spencer." You stopped him so he could face you. "You don't have to do this alone." 

Spencer put his head on your shoulder while you hugged him tightly. You slowly rocked him. You felt something wet on your shoulder and you knew he was crying. "I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too" He sniffed pulling away from the hug. You wiped his tears away and kissed his lips. "You love me?" You giggled and blushed. "Always Y/n." Spencer kissed your forehead. 

A/N: This one was pretty crappy but it seemed like a good idea when I started writing it.'

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