Little Reid's

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You rushed into the hospital with watery eyes. You dropped everything and got on a flight with Garcia. "Y/n!" JJ wrapped you in a hug to comfort you. 

"Where is he?" You frantically asked.

"He's in surgery, he should be out any time now." You nodded and took a deep breath. You started to feel weak and light headed. You sat down and held your stomach. 

The doctor walked into the room seeming hopeful. "He's going to be fine, the bullet didn't hit anything major. You can see him now, but he will be asleep for a while."

You thanked the doctor and then went to his room with Blake and Garcia. He looked so peaceful sleeping and you just had to touch his precious face. You put your bag on the chair and climbed into the bed with him. 

"Uh Y/n I don't think you can do that." Blake said.

"I don't care, I just want to hold him in my arms." You cuddled up next to him.

You had fallen asleep with him and woke up when Garcia poked you. "He's waking up." You propped your head up on your elbow. Your hand was rested on his chest. The first thing he saw when he woke was you smiling down at him.

"Hi." You smiled at him. 

"Hi." He whispered when he saw you. You laid at an angle so that he would be comfortable and wouldn't have to move his neck to much. 

"Thanks for staying Blake, it means a lot." Reid said before Blake left. It was now just You Spencer and Garcia. 

"Garcia can you please go get me some coffee." You asked so she would leave.

"Oh yeah, of course, I'll be right back." She left and you gave Spencer a quick peck on the lips. He winced and you pulled away from him. 

"I was so worried about you when I was on the plane. I thought I lost you." Some tears flowed out of your red eyes. 

"Shh... I'm okay now." He said slowly, because it hurt to talk. He was pale and wasn't moving much. You winded your fingers with his. You lifted up so you could be above him. "I'm glad you're okay and I want to show you how glad I am when you heal up. I also want to tell you something." 

"What?" He asked. "It's a secret." You smirked before kissing him. He kissed back as soon as your lips touched his. 

Spencer winced and you quickly pulled away from him in fear of hurting him. "Does it hurt?"

"Yeah-" He closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry." You played with his hair.

"It's not you sweetheart." You let him get his rest and stopped bothering him. Garcia came back with your coffee, but you didn't drink any. You had fallen asleep with him again. Something about how your bodies molded to gather made you sleepy. 

Garcia had left once again to get herself some coffee. Once she came back into the room she slammed the door close. "What happened?" You jumped up. 

"We need to get Spencer in the wheelchair." She grabbed the wheelchair and pushed it to is bed. "Um okay..." You said while waking Spencer up. 

It was a long process of people trying to kill your boyfriend before you could finally go home. You were allowed to go on the plane with everybody else. You let Spencer lay his head down on your lap while you sat on the couch. 

"What did you want to tell me?"

"Um well, since you want to know and since I'm in front of all your friends I guess I will tell you." You sigh and brush his hair back.

"Wait what news!?" Garcia shrieked. Everyone started to listen to you and gather around.

"Okay so how would you guys respond if I told you a little Reid might be running around?"

"You're pregnant!" Everyone screamed. You nodded and smiled. 

Spencer slowly sat up to give you a hug. "I'm going to be a dad!" He winced afterwards, but he didn't care.

A/N: Short and Sweet and I might redo it when I'm not half sleep. lol           

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now