Swim pt.2

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You had insisted that you drive Spencer to work after your night of fun activities. You washed his clothes and gave his phone and things back to him. Spencer didn't want the team to see you, because he knew they would start teasing him, but you didn't know that.

Once you got to his workplace he got up and you got out with him. You were dressed for a meeting that you had so you had a pencil skirt and a black blouse on. "Call me, later if you have a case."

"I will, I probably will have a case, but they haven't called me in." Spencer told you while you were waking him to the doors of the FBI. Once you were at the door Spencer stopped along with you. "So I'll see you later or whenever you comeback?" You asked.

"Yes sure, did you want to have dinner?" Spencer asked.

"I would love to have dinner." You said back to him. 

"Um well bye." Spencer said before walking into the FBI. You were kinda hoping he'd kiss you but he didn't. You got in your car only to realize he left his book in your car. You rolled your eyes and got out the car again. 

Spencer walked through the BAU doors with a smile on his face. He went to get some coffee when Morgan approached him. "Pretty boy have a late night?"

"I guess so." Spencer went to sit down at his desk. Morgan followed closely behind him. Spencer was casually rubbing his covered shoulder since you left a very nice mark on the skin. "Was she a hot one?" Morgan asked.

"Morgan I didn't have that kind of late night." Spencer told him, but he didn't see you approaching him. Morgan was at his own desk when you put Spencer's book on his desk. 

"You left this in my car." You told him. "And you didn't give me a goodbye kiss." You smirked. 

Spencer didn't say anything since he was in shock that you could even get in here. "But that's alright, because I'll be getting much more than a kiss from you when you get back." You took a lollipop out of his jar, unwrapped it, and put it in your mouth. 

"Reid who's this?" Hotch asked Spencer. 

"Uh- um..." He was still focused on you sucking on the candy.

"I'm Spencer's friend, I drove him here and he forgot his book in my car."

"Alright, but we have a case right now so..."

"Of course I have a meeting at my company anyway." You turned back to Spencer. "You're welcome for the book and I'll see you later babe."

You stuck the candy back in your mouth before swirling it around. "Thank you for the book." Spencer finally said. 

You walked out of the building that you had charmed your way into. Spencer sat embarrassed in front of his boss and co-worker.

"So you didn't have a late night?" Morgan teased. 

"Shut up Morgan."

"Well done Reid." Was all Hotch said before walking off. 

"Well done pretty boy." Morgan messed up his hair. 

A/N: I felt like doing a part two so yeah here's a crappy part two. 

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