FWB Sucks

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Warnings: Langauge, !Season 13 spoilers! 

Spencer loved you, there was no lie about that. All that time during prison all he could really do was think about you. You ran through his mind like it was programmed, but you didn't know that. How could you? Spencer never told you. But now that Spencer had time off and had spent his 30 days out of the BAU he was ready to come back and ask you out. 

The case ended pretty early, the case with the druggie town and the drug selling unsub. You didn't expect your best friend to be coming in so early, but you were glad to see him. 

"Spence!" You jumped up into his arms. "I've been waiting to do that all day, but I was trying to be professional at the hospital." 

"It's good to see you too." He hugged back. 

Garcia had set up a nice dinner for everyone to eat. It was nice and everyone enjoyed it. Spencer was going to ask you out. It was getting late and he tried to find you, but you had already left. 

"I think she already left, Luke offered to take her home." JJ said packing up her stuff. 

"Oh." He said frowning. "Do you know if she would go out with me?"

JJ raised a brow acting shocked. "Between you and me, she talks about you all the time." She smiled putting her coat on. "Goodnight Spence."

Spencer decided to visit you in he morning. He didn't think to ask you before coming over he thought you'd actually be happy to see him. He walked up the stairs to your apartment rather than taking the operating elevator. 

"Okay Spencer you can do this, just ask her." He said to himself as he reached the last step to your floor. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Alvez slipping out your door. A big smile on his face as he readjusted his coat. 

Luke turned to see Spencer standing in the hallway looking dumb. "Oh shit! Reid- Um what's up?" He tried to play it cool. 

Spencer's eyebrows furrowed. "Nothing much. What are you doing coming out of Y/n's apartment at 10:36 in the morning?" He pretty much knew the answer, but still wanted it confirmed. 

Luke struggled to find an excuse and just gave up at this point. "Listen, Y/n invited me over for some more drinks, I couldn't drive home obviously so she offered for me to stay over, that's all."

"Did you know that 24% of the male population sleeps with their female co-worker and lies about it?" Spencer asked sharply. 

"I thought I heard your voice out here-." You started. "Spencer!? Um what are you doing here?" You asked pulling your robe over your body more. 

Spencer could tell that there was nothing under it. You never slept naked when other people were over, it didn't make you feel comfortable. 

"I'm starting to ask myself that?" He looked to you and then to Luke and started off down the stairs. 

"Wait Spence!" You called after him, but he was gone. You turned back to Luke and rolled your eyes. 

"How was I supposed to know?" He chased after you when you went back into your apartment. 

The next day was weird to you. You felt like you were getting stares from everyone in the office. You walked quickly to your desk that was by Spencer's. You saw him reading a book and thought that maybe you could talk to him.

"So you're giving me the silent treatment?" You asked sitting down.

He said nothing and turned the page. His silence radiating off him like smoke. 

"Spence? Spence? Spence-" You stopped when he cut you off.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked calmly not looking at you. 

You scrunched your eyes in confusion. "Tell you about what?"

"Don't play stupid Y/n, about you and Luke!" His voice filled with anger and sadness. 

You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Him and I are not a thing Spencer. We have never ever been a thing with feelings. I also don't understand why I have to tell you who I'm screwing. I never asked you." You got defensive. Crossing your arms you sat back in your chair.

"You never asked how I felt about you either." He pushed away from his desk and started to walk away. You ran after him.

"Spencer I'm sorry!" You yelled, "Is that what you want? You want me to tell the whole office about what I was doing?"

He shook his head looked you in the eyes. "I just wanted to call you mine." He walked off leaving you stunned. 

You wiped a lose tear away as Luke came to your side. "I c-can't do this anymore Luke I'm sorry." You sniffed and walked off. 

"Spencer! Spencer!" You called out looking for him. Eventually you found him in the BAU file room. "Spencer?" 

"Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" He questioned coldly.

You shook your head. "Alvez and I are not dating. We were friends with benefits. It was just sex Spencer I swear."

His eyebrow raised. "Were?"

"I broke it off." You fumbled with your sweater. "I didn't know you felt like that, if I did I wouldn't have been sleeping with him." Your hands grabbed his face and turned it so you were looking in each others eyes. Your eyes dashed from his to his lips before you leaned in. The kiss was warm and gently and passionate. Spencer brought his hand up to cup your face, making the kiss even deeper than before. You were the first to pull away and look him in the eyes. "I've been wanting to do that for a while." You giggled and bit your lip.

"Ditto." He smirked pulling you in for another kiss. "Do you wanna go on a date sometime?" He whispered against your lips.

"I'd love to Spencer." 

A/N: So I was gonna make this really steamy hot passionate sex scene, but I wanted to see more season 13 Spencer because I think it would go really well with him. So you can expect a smutty oneshot after the next few episodes. 

P.S. Bye loves 

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