Flag football*

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"Y/n!" You tackled Spencer to the glossy green grass. "Y/n! get off!" You pinned him down by his arms. "Y/n I don't think this is how you play flag football, there is no tackling in it."

"Well if you want to play on the team Saturday then I suggest you learn who to play." You straddled his waist. 

"I don't want to play, ask someone else to play." You and Spencer had been arguing about the flag football team that the BAU has. 

"I know, but I want you to play, you played softball for Morgan." You pouted. 

"Then ask Morgan to play flag football with you." You rolled your eyes and laid your head on Spencer's chest. 

"Why you have to be so extra?" You laughed and he chuckled. 

"Spencer!" You shrieked when he turned you on your back. He straddled your waist and started quickly undoing your jeans. You moan and pulled him down to capture his lips in a kiss. His lips traveled down your jawline to your neck 

"Baby..." You moaned out as Spencer's fingers explored your folds. 

"What do you want?" He whispered seductively in your ear. You wanted him. you needed him.

"You to play on Saturday." 

Spencer let out a breathy chuckle before kissing you tenderly. You tugged off his sweater and vest with no hesitation. You chucked them somewhere and proceeded to take your shirt off. You were interrupted by Spencer shoving his finger into you. You arched your back into his lips that were on your exposed chest.

"Fuck Spencer!" You moaned when his lips moved down to replace his finger. 

You tugged on Spencer's light brown hair which only encouraged him to groan and lick you even more. Spencer's tongue thrusted into you viciously while his finger flicked at your clit. You felt your stomach knot and you were ready to come undone, but he stopped. 

"What the hell." You propped yourself up to meet his eyes. 

"Be patient beautiful; I would never leave you like that." Spencer caressed your cheek. You smiled softly and brought him down for a passionate kiss. Spencer teased your entrance causing you to moan.

"Ready?"Spencer asked, you whimpered in response. You gasped as Spencer entered you in one swift movement. He took no time to start moving inside of you slowly. "Faster...harder." 

Spencer picked up the pace at your request slamming into you at full speed. You clawed at his back and he groaned out in pleasure. He hid his face and covered his moans in the crook of your neck. He sucked and bit whenever he had the chance. 

"Spencer!" You screamed as he hit your G-spot. You felt yourself starting to come undone. "I-I'm close baby." You told him. "I-I know me too." Spencer grunted and flipped you around again.

"Ride me." He said nonchalant. 

"What?" You asked shocked. Usually when you rode him you would be the one to engage in it first. 

"Ride me." He repeated. You shook your thoughts away and started to slowly ride him. He gripped onto your waist and helped you grind on him. It made you get more turned on and so you sped up your pace. He moaned when your nails sunk into his chest. You bounced up and down and on him. 

"Y/n!" Spencer growled spilling inside you. "Spencer!" You threw your head back and let go. Spencer rode you out of your high and you fell to the side of him. "Wow." You said out of breath.

"I know." You stared at Spencer's hand for a moment before hearing your phone go off. 

"We have a case." You groaned. 

You looked over and saw a group of high schooler boys staring at you. Your eyes widened and grabbed your clothes. "Spencer I forgot we were in a public place!" 

"Y/n! I am never coming to practice flag football with you ever again." You ran across the field with Spencer behind you. 

"What... ever... you would be...good seeing that you just ran a whole field.

"You mean  53 1/3 yards field?"

"Shut up Spencer." You put your clothes back ones soon as you got in the car.

"Just saying."

You pulled up to the BAU and got out. You walked in with Spencer and saw that they were already being briefed. 

"Sorry we're late, we had a problem." Hotch excused it by not looking at you or Spencer.

"What is that smell?" Morgan asked sniffing the air. You smelled yourself and Spencer looked down at the file knowing what it was. "What does it smell like?" Rossi asked.

"Grass, Sex, and sweat." Morgan said. 

"Guys don't look at us we were playing flag football." You announced. 

Everyone smirked even Hotch and Spencer blushed red. 

(Flag football the key to happiness.)

A/N: Never once played flag football so not sure if any of this was correct. Sorry if it was too smutty. 

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