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Warning: Season 13 Spoilers!! Language 

"Y/n?!" You were being wheeled into the hospital along with your other teammates. "Spencer tell them I'm okay." 

"Ma'am we need to check to see if you have a minor concussion or not." The nurse said.

"Y/n I'll be in the room in a minute I have to check on the rest of the team." You had a few cuts along your arm and your head hurt. 

They took you to a room where they did a series of test on you. You saw Spencer walking it when they were last finishing up their test. 

"Where's Emily?" I asked. 

"She's missing remember, Y/n?" Spencer pushed a strand of hair out of your forehead and kissed the spot where you had been cut on your face. 

"I'm coming with you to the BAU." You tried to stand, but quickly you got dizzy. 

" Garcia, Luke, and I can handle this, you should stay here." Spencer caught you. 

"No Spencer, my best friend is missing and I need to find her." You looked him in the eyes. 

"Okay, but- ugh we have to go." Spencer grabbed at his eye.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm fine." Spencer walked away.

You chased after him where he was already at the sign in desk. 

Luke was already waiting in the car to drive to the BAU. Garcia was already waiting in the bullpen area. "Y/n what are you doing here, you should be at the hospital resting." Garcia worried. 

"That can wait, right now I need to save my friend." You looked up seeing someone in Rossi's office. Garcia led you up and into the room where you waited for Spencer and Luke to appear. 

Everyone was secretly debriefed and left so that they could do their jobs. Spencer kept grabbing onto his eye and you noticed it. This time he made sure that he would be 'fine' alone. He made everyone get out of the room. 

When he shut the door you frown at his actions. He was never like this. He never shut you out like this. Never. Your feelings kind of got hurt. 

"It's okay, you know how rough it's been." Garcia comforted you. 

"Yeah, but what kind of girlfriend am I if I can't even get him to open up to me." you sighed and ran down the small amount of stairs. 

You started reading through books trying to figure out what you guys were missing. Garcia and Matt were looking on the computer. 

All of a sudden there was a big thud on the window. You quickly looked to see a book falling. Everyone rushed in the see what was going on. 

Spencer said a fact and acted like normal. You all looked at him like he was crazy. 


"You just threw a book at a window and it was jarring." Garcia started.

"It took me 60 minutes to do something that should have taken me 60 seconds and I Emily dies because I was too slow, then I'll be throwing a lot more than books." 

He slipped past you and headed straight for the door. 

"Hey!" You shouted to him.

"Spencer I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you right now, I understand you are frustrated and you want to find Emily, but so does ev-"

He cut you off with sweet passionate kiss. "I'm sorry I scared you, I'm just getting over somethings."

"Well I need you head in the game sweetheart, we have to find Emily." You quickly kissed his cheek and moved him to the side. 

A/N: Am I back? Yes. For good? Idk. I have a lot of work to do, but I will try to update quickly and fulfill one shot request. I just haven't got to them. 

P.S: With the request I'm not doing it in order, I'm doing it from easy to hard. If I find your request really hard, I might just not do it. Sorry ;-; :(. Thanks loves 

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