Bad things

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Sum: Straight up smut warning. Song Fic, I cut the song down so a lot of the parts won't be repeated, because this song repeats A LOT. And it's super smutty like I'm so sorry. 

Warning: if you are not comfortable with bondage, sub and domination, or anything really sexual I would skip this. Actually just skip it cause its gonna be a bunch of crap. 

Am I out of my head?

Am I out of my mind?

If you only knew the bad things I like

Don't think that I can explain it

What can I say, it's complicated

Don't matter what you say

Don't matter what you do

I only wanna do bad things to you

So good, that you can't explain it

What can I say, it's complicated

"Sit down." You commanded. "Y/n?" 

"Spencer sit down." You pushed him down onto the bed. "Lay on your back." Grabbing your handcuffs you straddled him. "Y/n..." His voice quivered as you slowly handcuffed him to the bed post. "Shh baby... this is going to be fun." You grabbed his dark purple tie off the dresser that you share. "Can I?" You thought it was best if you asked about blindfolds before using it on him given his past experiences with them. "Y-yeah..." He took a sharp breath before he could see only the darkness of the tie around his eyes. 

He couldn't feel your presence around anymore, like you had vanished away with his ability to see at the time. "Y/n?" He called out for you, but you didn't answer. 

Nothing's that bad

If it feels good

So you come back

Like I knew you would

And we're both wild

And the night's young

And you're my drug

Breathe you in 'til my face numb

Drop it down to that bass drum

I got what you dream about

Nails scratchin' my back tatt

Eyes closed while you scream out

And you keep me in with those hips

While my teeth sink in those lips

While your body's giving me life

And you suffocate in my kiss

Then you said 

"Hush." You slapped his thighs, you earned a groan out of it. "Did that feel good baby..."

"Yes..." He almost squeaked out. You bent down and captured his pink lips in a suffocating kiss. Your tongues fought for dominance, but you both knew that you would win. You bit down on his lip hard enough to draw blood. 

Once you pulled away from him you looked down at his swollen lips. You shifted your attention to his collar bone and neck. He let out a small gasp when you sucked on his pleasuring spot on his neck. You bit his collarbone, licking to sooth the pain. His breathing had quicken and he was starting to squirm. "What's wrong?"

I want you forever

Even when we're not together

Scars on my body so I can take you wherever

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now