A Family Matter

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Black Reader


"Hey guys Reid is here!" Morgan told everyone when Spencer walked through the house doors. Since Morgan and Savannah now have a house, Morgan invited everyone for a house warming party. It was mostly the team, but Savannah had friends over as well. Along with some relatives of Morgan.

"Pretty boy, let me introduce you to my cousin Y/n. She just flew in yesterday." You turned around and Spencer held in a breath. He was amazed by your beauty just when you turned around. When you smiled, it was like the sun had risen on a dark day. You were unlike anyone Spencer had ever seen.

"Derek! Come here!" Someone called Morgan away from the two of you.

"I am so sorry, I didn't even introduce myself." You put your cup down on the counter.

"Uh- um- Morgan introduced you." He stuttered over his words

"I know, but he did it so plain." You giggled. Spencer grinned just at you laughing. "I am Y/n Y/l/n the cousin of Derek Morgan and I also flew in yesterday!" You exaggerated with jazz hands.

Spencer laughed at your silly introduction. You laughed with him until you said something else. "And you're Reid Right?"

"Reid, Spencer- Spencer Reid- yes- Spencer Reid." Spencer stumbled over his words once again. It was your smile that made him get jumbled up in his head. The way your delicate milk chocolate skin shun in the sunlight through the window, made Spencer feel butterflies.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to finish introducing you two to each other..." Morgan came up behind you. "That's Reid, the genius at the BAU."


"Yeah pretty boy has an IQ of 187, can read 20,000 words per minute, and has an eidetic memory."

"Wow, that's amazing." You gushed. "I wish I was that smart."

Morgan punched you in the arm causing you to yelp and punch him back. Spencer watched you more than he watched Morgan. You were something new he wanted to study and something he'd never get tired of studying.

"Y/n here has an IQ of 179 and she graduated top of her class last year. She has a degree in Psychology and she is planning on getting into the BAU one day." You blushed and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.

"Derek always hypes me up, but in reality I'm basic." You told Spencer.

Spencer was already in love, but now he was in deep. He wanted you to blush again, only this time he would make you blush. Morgan had left once again and left you and Spencer in a awkward silence. "I think you are really interesting."


"You said you were basic- I don't think you are."

"Oh no, I said that so he would shut up before he started telling my social security number." Spencer grinned and started to chuckle. You blushed since you didn't think it was a good joke in the first place. Spencer started a conversation with you and he fell in love with your intelligence, beauty, humor, basically everything about you made him crazy in love. He found someone he could talk about books with. You enjoyed reading things over and over again and never getting tired of them. 

"Morgan said you were thinking about joining the BAU one day..."

"Yeah I am, I'm moving here actually next month, so I can be closer to the BAU. I'll be living close to it, and I'll be working in the FBI, just not the BAU yet." You told him. 

Spencer barely even talked to anyone else at the party, you were the only person he wanted to talk to. He didn't care about your skin color, he never thought it should matter. However this was a family matter. You were his friends cousin. Derek Morgan's cousin. 

You were helping out Savannah putting away the food in the Kitchen along with Garcia. Spencer was talking to the remainder of the guest which was just Rossi and Morgan while they were cleaning up the remainder of the party stuff. The others had kids and a family so they went home early. Spencer couldn't help imagining little you's running around. 

"I think Reid has a little crush." Rossi pointed out. He glanced over to you in the kitchen. 

"What!? No!" Spencer tried to deny it. 

"Come on pretty boy, you barely left my cousins side the whole night." 

"It's alright kid, she's pretty, smart, and reminds me of you a lot."

"Yeah and she was really comfortable around you, she's actually really shy." Morgan said. 

"Who's really shy?" You walked out of the Kitchen.

"Just a girl we know." 

Spencer watched as you nodded and bit your lip. "I'm going outside, if anyone wants to join me."

You shrugged a sweater on and left out the back door and into the backyard. Everyone looked to Spencer to see if he was going to follow you. 

"Reid just ask her out already." Morgan pushed him outside. "It's fine if you go out with her, just don't break her heart."

"I wouldn't." Spencer said while being pushed into the yard. 

"Hey!" You greeted him when he sat down in the grass next to you.

"Hi." He gave a small wave. "Why did you come outside?" He asked.

You raised a brow, "I love my big cousin, but he can be annoying sometimes and I know he was talking about me."

"It wasn't anything bad, he just said you are shy. I'm shy too."

"You know he talks about you a lot, I liked you before I even knew you, because Derek told me all these amazing things about you." You smiled at Spencer. 

Spencer blushed red, "You think I'm cool?" 

"I think you're more than cool Spencer. I also like that you don't care about skin color, that's a must for me."

"I- I don't think people should judge off the color of their skin."

"I base it off of character and how you treat me when I first meet you."

"I don't really talk to people that much. I don't think people enjoy my rambling as much as I-" Spencer was cut off by your lips attaching to his. You shoved him down and straddled him while never breaking the kiss. 

You broke away from the kiss first. "I love your ramble, but I've been wanting to do that all night." You smiled.

"Yo, yo, yo Get your greasy hands off my baby cousin!" Morgan came out side laughing.

"He's just teasing." You assured Spencer. 

"I know." Spencer smiled and hugged you. 

A/N: I hope this is what you wanted @saffronisabeauty_15 . This one was really light and fluffy, but I still hit on race. I hope you liked it. 

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