What's Right pt.3

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Spencer had done a lot for you since you had got out of prison. He gave you a place to stay and gave you hospitality. He got you back on your feet. You had found a steady job working in human resources at a local company. Your name had been cleared and prison had been wiped out of every system. Spencer was your hero. You owed him so much. 

You'd fell in love with him the moment you first talked to him. You didn't quite believe in love at first sight. You had to speak to him before you made up your mind to love him. It was obvious that he loved you as well. He told you that everyday. 

Now you were standing in front of your co-workers knife. You'd never faced death before, not even in prison. You fought so hard to make this life right, but you felt it was all going away. 

"Please Slade, don't do this, I have a life, please." You begged.

"Why shouldn't I, your boyfriend works for the FBI and sooner or later he's going to find out about me."

"I can't control that, that's his job, to find sick people like you."

"Or like you."

"What are you talking about?" You gulped when his knife pressed a little harder into your side. 

"You got out of prison because of him, I'm getting out of this because of you."

"How do you plan on doing that?" You chuckled at his stupidity. 

"FBI is downstairs, I will make negotiations and they will comply or I will kill you, you will speak to them and you will make all my demands. Is that clear?" He grabbed you by the hair and pushed you out your office door with him. 

"Pick up the phone." You picked it up and answered it. 

"Y/n?" You recognized Hotch's voice. 

"He has a knife to my neck, just do what he says please!" You yelped out when he cut a part of your shoulder. "He wants a free trip out of here, he's not going to prison." Tears started to slip down your cheeks. 

"Y/n? Sweetheart listen to me, you don't have to do this, you're stronger than he could ever be." Spencer voice filled your ears and you sighed. 

"Yes I have to do this Spencer, he's going to kill me, I don't think it matters if I'm strong or not. Spencer I repeat he's going to kill me."

"You are not going to die. You hear me? I love you so much."

"Tell him his helicopter is on its way and he can send you down now."

"You lie, I'm not sending her down until I get what I want."

"Spence, you remember that time you first came to visit me at the prison?"

"How could I forget."

"That was the day I decided that I was gonna get out and be the best I could be and I wasn't going to lie anymore, because I knew I'd love you to this day."

"Y/n you talk like you're about to die, stop it."

"I love you so much Spencer, so much." You cried. 

You didn't give him a chance to say anything before you pushed the unsub away and jumped out the window. You were about 3 stories high and you fell on top of the FBI SUV. 

"Y/n!" Spencer looked at you sprawled out on the car. His first impulse was to check your pulse. Sure enough you had one. He picked you up off the car and carried you to the ambulance that was waiting. 

"Spencer I'm coming with you." JJ shouted. They piled in with you as the ambulance man tried to wake you. 

"What do you think she meant by not lying anymore?"

"I don't know." They looked down at you. 

A/N: I was reading through my old one shots and this one caught my eye and I want dot do a part three. Comment if you want a part 4. I know I haven't updated in a while, but I'm working on that. All my ideas suck and I hate them, so my writers block is really bad right now.

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