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Warnings: None

You nervously tapped your foot while waiting in the doctors office. You weren't feeling good lately and decided to go to the doctors with the advice from your boyfriend. 

"Ms. Y/l/n?" The doctor walked in.


"Well it's good news, you're pregnant." He said with a smile.

"How long have I been pregnant?" You asked calmly. 

"Um about 3 weeks." He said looking at the chart again. 

"When can I start doing DNA testing?" You looked down at your hands.

"Between 12-14 months or so." 

"Okay, thank you doctor." You shook his hand and left the hospital.

As soon as you got into the car you lost it. Your head hit the steering wheel and  you started to sob. How could this be happening to you?

You sniffed and pulled out your phone to call Spencer. He was probably on a case at the moment, but you didn't care. 

"Hey baby?" You said when you heard his voice. 

"Hey sweetheart, what's wrong you sound like you're crying."

"No I'm not, I'm just calling to see if you are on a case or not."

"No we aren't right now, but I'm sure Emily will have one for us." He chuckled. It sounded like he was reading. He was finally getting better after all he'd been through. 

"Speaking of Emily, I need to speak with her, I'm on my way can you pass on the message?"You hung up. You were just down the street so a couple of lights and turns and you were signing into the BAU. 

Once you got through security you went directly to Spencer. "Hey I missed you." You stood on your tippy toes to give him a sweet kiss. 

"Emily is in her office waiting." Spencer pulled away first. "Is everything okay, your eyes look really puffy."

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine." You left to go to Emily's office. You knocked on the door since it was open. 

"Y/n!" Emily stood up to greet you with a smile. She's your best friend and you tell her almost everything. "What's wrong? You would never call a urgent meeting unless there's something wrong."

"I'm just gonna get straight to it, Em I'm pregnant." I said with no emotions at all."

"That's great! Spence is gonna be a dad!"


"What do you mean no?" Emily scrunched her nose. "Unless you mean...oh Y/n, Spencer isn't the dad is he?" 

"I don't know yet, but Emily I messed up bad."

She looked at her watch. "No case has come in and I have time, tell me about it." She closed the door to her office and shut the blinds. 

"Well about a month ago..."

You were taking a trip to Canada with your other best friend. She said that there was this pretty place to go and stay at. 

"I'll be back in a week Spence, nothing too long." you hugged him. "I'll be back and then we can talk about that bigger place." You kissed him and picked up your stuff.

"Call me when you land please and be safe." He pecked your lips one last time and let you go.

You did like Spencer said and called him when you landed in Canada or specifically Montreal. It was really nice like your friend said. 

"Yeah Spence we are checking in at the hotel now." You told him. 

You talked to him every night. On the second to last night there you and your friend went to a club. 

"I don't like clubs." You complained to your friend as she dragged you in with them. 

You were wearing a very revealing dress that had you pulling it down to avoid a wardrobe malfunction. The blaring music and the hyped up crowd wasn't your idea of fun. You didn't like the smell and all the sweaty people. 

"I'm going to the bar." You shouted over the music as she was dancing with someone.

You went to the bar and sat down and ordered a beer. Some music was good and some wasn't, but the song playing now was really good. You nodded your head at the song until someone tapped your shoulder. 

"Can I get you another drink?" A guy asked. He looked really young. 

"You look 12." You laughed, the alcohol was getting to you, you had already had enough drinks. 

"Guess that's why I play a 12 year old." He said with his British accent standing out. That's hot. "But if you must know, I'm 21 and very legal."

"Barely legal." You giggled once more. "But sure I could use another drink."

So that's how that started. You talked to him and realized he's Tom Holland, the guy who plays on the new Spider-Man movies. Then as the night went on, so did grinding and dancing. Your bodies rocked together in the perfect motion. You felt so good bing on that dance floor with him. He wasn't too drunk so he offered you a ride. Your friend said she left with someone as well.

That ride home ended with you in his rented filming home with clothes on the floor and a night of fun activities. 

You woke up with a throbbing headache. "Spencer what time is it?" You mumbled half way asleep. 

"Is that your boyfriends name?" a different voice from Spencer's answered. 

"Oh my god!" You jumped up with a sheet covering your body. "Who are you?"

"I'm Tom remember? We met last night and we hit it off and we came back here and had a really, really, really good time." he was out of the bed as well. He had put his boxers back on.

"God I'm so stupid! I'm such a bad person!" You started crying and he looked at you with soft eyes. 

"Hey love it's okay, I would have backed off if I knew you had a boyfriend." 

"I gotta go I gotta go right now!" You left to go back to the hotel after getting dressed. Apparently your friend got lucky too. 

"And that's how I cheated on Spencer..."

"Do you at least know how to get a hold of this Tom guy?"

"I need his number, so can you ask Garcia to pull some strings?"

"I'm on it, but you are gonna tell Spencer right?"

"When and if I find out it's his baby." You wiped away a few tears. 

A/N: AN UPDATE FINALLY!!!! I'll probably make a part 2 to this so tell me if you want me to. 

P.S. Sorry about the slow updates, i've been busy. Pls forgive me :,( 

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