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"Whoa where's Reid going in such a rush?" Garcia asked JJ who was getting ready to leave to head into the conference room. "I think Y/n has the Flu, poor thing, so Spencer is gonna stay home and take care of her, and he's gonna video call us on the plane." She nodded and walked to the conference room.

You coughed violently into the tissue you were holding. "Baby, I got you your medicine." Spencer walked through the door. He had a worried expression on his face as he handed you the bag. 

"Thanks Spencer." Your cold hands reached out to grab the bag. You sniffed and opened the bag to get the pill bottle. "The doctor said take one twice a day so you take one right now and one later right?"

"Yeah." You threw your head back and took a sip of water to chug the pill down. "So I have to make a call for work so I'll be at my desk."

"Wait Spencer can you give me a blanket." You ask with a sneeze. "Here you go darling." Spencer came back with a big blanket to cover you up in your big bed that you share. "Thank you."

You coughed and sneezed until you worked up an appetite, but you were too tired to cook anything. You walked into the room with Spencer and saw that he was still on his call. He didn't mind you being close because he had a flu shot already and you put on a mask so you wouldn't spread the germs. 

"Hey Y/n, come here, let me feel your head." You did as he told you and sat on his lap. He put his old time phone down and allowed you to lay you head on his shoulder. "Your fever is kind of going down, but listen I have to finish talking to Prentiss, so I need you not to cough so much." 

"I'm just hungry." You said looking at the map on the desk. "Oh okay, I bought some chicken nuggets for you, they're in the kitchen in the bag."

You made your way to the kitchen and you grabbed the bag. Yo returned to the bedroom and ate silently, while watching tv. 

After eating you felt that urge at the back of your throat and in your stomach. "Oh no." You coughed out racing to the bathroom where you threw up everything. "Y/n, did you throw up?" You looked up and saw Spencer standing above you with a frighted look. You nodded and sneezed. You liked how Spencer spoiled you when you were sick, he was just perfect. He picked you up and carried you to the bed where he laid you down and put the covers over you. 

"Later you are going to take a bath, but I'll let you sleep for now." He left and shut the door. 

You fell asleep but woke up, because you couldn't really breathe with a stuffy nose. You got up and took shower. When you went back into the room you saw Spencer standing with a bowl of soup. "I felt really bad about giving you chicken nuggets so I made you some soup."

"Thank you love." Your voice was rough from coughing so much. "You're welcome." Spencer put the bowl on the desk and grabbed you some clothes to put on. After you got dressed you took the soup and sat on the bed. "I love you." You told Spencer. "I love you too beautiful." He kissed your shoulder and left the room leaving you to feel a little better from his touch. 

A/N: Short one because I had the flu while writing this so yeah

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