Final Say

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Hi everyone! This book with a collection of one shots has become more popular than I could ever know. I'm so thankful for all the love and support. The kind words made me want to write forever. However, I have been getting request to write more parts to certain stories. I just want to inform you guys that I no longer write for Spencer Reid.

With the last few seasons of Criminal Minds, I've felt disconnected to the show. The writing on the show seemed rushed and the character development was choppy. I haven't been into Spencer that much lately. I still love and adore MGG, just not as much as I used to. With that being said, please stop requesting for me to write more parts.

Knowing that I outgrew a love for a character hurts because I usually don't ever do that. I've had an amazing time writing for you guys. It's hard to let go and maybe that's why I've never officially closed this story off, but I think I'm at a point in my life where I can close this chapter.

I will still continue to write, just not for Spencer Reid or MGG. I do still write for Chris Evans and Tom Holland. If you're interested in those celebrities, then I'd recommend you read my stories for them.

Chris Evans:
Mr. Evans (teacher au)
The adventures of Mr. Evans (continuing of Mr. Evans)
More coming soon

Tom Holland:
I Can Only Adore You (mob!Tom)
More coming soon

For now this is a goodbye to my readers who read only for Reid and Matthew. I love you guys, stay safe, and stay woke.

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