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Part 3 to A little younger 

You chewed mindlessly on the pizza you were eating. You choose to eat out with your best friend and a couple other classmates. You were planning your best friends birthday party with her. The party was tonight and you were going to make it the best party of her life, she was turning 21 after all. You were still a couple months short of 21.

"So Y/n when are we going to meet this boyfriend of yours?" You looked up from your staring at your plate and to Shelia. She irritated you but you were too nice to kick her to the curb. "Uh he works a lot so I don't know."

"Well you should invite him to the party."

"Well I'd have to see if he's off-"

"Or if he's real." She finished for you. You swallowed your last bite and got up.

"I have to go, I'll see you later, bye." You told your best friend. They said goodbye to you and you walked out to walked back to your apartment. Well not your apartment, you shared it with your boyfriend. Spencer. 


You finished your eyeliner and preceded to your lipstick. You danced along to your blasting music in the mirror of the bathroom. 

"Y/n I'm home!" You heard Spencer call to you from downstairs. You sighed and grabbed your pocket sized wallet. Spencer entered the bedroom and saw that you were about to leave. "Where are you going?" He said with a frown.

"To (best friends) party." You told him. "You're welcome to join me if you want." You said with a hint of anger in your voice.

"Y/n are you mad at me?" He asked with a frown. "No, Spencer I'm just so stressed and I have to go to this party and I have friends to worry about."

"Y/n is this because you haven't told them about me yet?" He took your face into his hands. You nod and put your head into his chest while he he hugs you. "They don't think you're real, they think you're fake and I'm lying about you." You start crying and your makeup starts to run.

"Spencer I'm 20 years old and you're 37 are we really thinking about this?" He wipes your tears away and sits you on your comfortable bed you shared. He kneels down and grabs your hand. 

"I don't care if people judge us for our age difference Y/n I love you."

"It's not just that Spencer, what about you not wanting to meet my friends?"

"I'll meet them if that's what you want, but Y/n you are the best thing that's ever happen to me and I'm not letting anyone take that away from me."

"Well my best friend is going to kill me if I don't show up to her party so come on pretty boy; it's time to be 20 again."

"I don't really have any good memories from when I was 20."

"Then I guess you get to make some with me."

A/N: Last part to this. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now