Tapes for You

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Sequel to 'Just a little bit of your heart'

Warning: Language, name calling

Spencer had just came back from a hard case. Days seemed longer ever since he lost you and then lost Maeve. He couldn't think as well as he used to. The bed he came home to was always so cold.

Spencer walked up the stairs to his apartment. He was busy trying to fiddle with his keys that he almost stepped on a blank DVD case.

He picked it up wondering what it was. A note was taped onto the case.

'This was your anniversary present from Y/n. She asked for me to give it to you if she could not. Watch it.' - Victoria

Spencer moved to the DVD player after he entered the house. He quickly put the video in. He wanted nothing more than to see you happy and smiling again.

'Hey babe it's me Y/n I wanted to give you something special for our anniversary since it was coming up...'

It was only a couple days ago where Spencer sat in his empty apartment with only the pictures to look at.

'And since you know I'm really shy when it comes to talking about my feelings, I decided to make you a video.' You smiled into the camera.

Spencer saw how bright you looked. How you were glowing in the sunlight. Without you he could only feel darkness.

'First I wanna tell you how much you mean to me..."

Spencer paused the video not knowing if he'd want to see you talk about him and he hurt you. He resumed it anyway and listened carefully.

'Spencer you mean the world to me, I really can't explain how much you mean to me, you just make me happy and I feel so much love with you.'

Spencer had already started to tear up a little.

'Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever enough for you.' You wiped away a loose tear.

"You we're you we're enough for me!" Spencer pleaded to the screen.

'Anyway, I hid a tiny box in the bedroom closet. It's black and it should be fairly easy to find.'

Spencer paused the video and went to search for the box you were talking about. He went through all his things and looked through every pocket until he found the small long box hidden in another shoe box.

He didn't open it. Instead he went back to resume the video.

'Okay so you've found the box... open it.'

Spencer carefully opened it to see a pink stick in it.

'I should be laughing at your reaction right now because I know what it's going to be like.' You said. It was meant for you to be there while he was watching the video, only you weren't.

"I was going to be a dad." Spencer started to sob. It was a very heart wrenching sob that could make anyone cry. "I should've been a dad."

'That's pretty much the video, I just didn't know how to tell you.' You concluded. 'I love you Spencer Reid so much.' And with that the screen went blank.

"No Please come back Y/n! I need you to come back!" Spencer pressed randomly on the buttons.

"She's not coming back!" He heard a scream from behind him.

He turned to see Victoria your sister. "How'd you get in here?"

"Y/n always had a key for me." She held the key up. "But that's not why I'm here."


"I wanted to end your life, but I realized I would be no better than those evil people you catch everyday."

"Why didn't she tell me she was pregnant?"

"Oh what would you have cared? You were too busy talking over the phone booths to someone you never even met, someone you never touched or kissed." Victoria went on. "Did you even love Y/n?"

"Of course I loved her more than anything." Spencer spoke softly.

"But you still cheated!" She yelled. "You lying son of a bitch!" She was crying now. "You killed my sister!"

"A truck killed Y/n not me!"

"No Y/n died of a broken heart, the one you broke." Victoria shoved him out of the way and walked to the door. "Y/n was a fool for staying with your unfaithful ass." She slammed the door on her way out.

Now Spencer sat in the living room. He replayed to video several times. Always rewinding when you said you loved him.

He loved you too.

A/N: So this wasn't like 13wr and I wasn't trying to be like that. I just had this idea stuck in my head and I was listening to 'just a little bit of your heart' and this came to mind.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now