Seeing You

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Final part to 'just a little bit of your heart' and the sequel to 'tapes for you'

Warning: Langauge, violence, drug mentions 

"Reid what's been up with you man?" Derek ruffled Spencer's hair. "Listen how about we go get a cup of coffee to clear your mind." 

Spencer couldn't really focus on the case at hand, the team was in Boston trying to find a serial killer who was taking a break every other day. It was coming up on the anniversary of your death and soon Maeve's. "Sure." He needed something to clear his mind. 

They choose the coffee shop nearby so that Spencer could work on the geographic profile. Morgan ordered a donut and some coffee as well as Spencer. They sat trying to figure out where the profile was going wrong. That's when he heard it. 

"Oh babe I left the diaper bag in the car." Your voice was a sweets honey as he could remember. "I can go get it."

"Nah doll I'll get it, just order me my regular." The man with you spoke. There was your smile that appeared, the smile that he missed seeing everyday, the smile he wished he would've gotten to see for the rest of his life. You moved the stroller along that held a small boy in it. You went to stand in the line. 

Spencer wasn't even paying attention to anything Morgan was saying. "Y/n?" It couldn't be you, you died in his arms. He held you while you died in his arms. 

Your smile faded as you saw Spencer. "I think you have the wrong person." You said calmly and turned the stroller around. You quickly walked back to your car and your soon to be husband. "We have to go now." You took your son out of the stroller.

"Y/n?" Spencer called again. 

You dared to turn around as you strapped in the baby in his car seat after throwing the stroller in the trunk. "Now Chris!" You rushed your fiancé into the car. 

"Y/n!" Spencer watched as the car you were in drove off. His eyes watering as he watched you leave him once again. 

"Reid!" Derek called out to him. "Who was that?"

Spencer didn't turn around when he finally spoke. "That was the love of my life." Spencer couldn't take his mind off of you, you were alive all this time and his son, HIS son was being raised by another man.

"What can I do for ya boy wonder?" Garcia spoke cheerily through the phone. 

"I need you to trace someone for me." He clear his throat. "I need you to trace Y/n Y/l/n."

Garcia sighed. "Y/n is dead, I don't know what you want me to do." 

Spencer ran his hand through his hair. "Please Garcia you have to believe me on this." He was desperate. He needed to see you again, he needed it to help him. He was struggling trying to rid himself of the memory of you while trying to get rid of the memories of Maeve. Every dream you came first, but something always woke him up when Maeve came into it. He could hear Garcia's typing on the other line.

"Oh my- she's alive, she never had a death certificate. Y/n is there in Boston, looks like she's living with her almost two year old son and her long term boyfriend, Chris... and he proposed to her two months ago."

Spencer's heart broke. "She faked her death?" His voice cracked.

"Looks like it... Lis-" Spencer cut the conversation off by hanging up. 

Moments later he got a text sending him the location of her house. He didn't care about the case anymore. His only thought was to find you and confront you. You faked your own death.

He didn't tell the team, but he took a cab to your house, the new house you'd brought with your fiancé. It was fairly big and he found himself getting nervous approaching the door. He rung the doorbell, all the blood rushing to his brain when he opened the door. 

"Can I help you?" He asked. He was tall and had a nice face with a neatly trimmed beard. Spencer felt anger looking at him. 

He flashed his badge. "FBI, I'm looking for Y/n Y/l/n." 

"Who's asking?" You appeared behind Chris and when you saw Spencer your eyes widened. "Spencer." You swallowed hard. "What do you want?"

"You faked your death?" He asked. "How could you do that?"

You glanced at Chris and he let Spencer step inside. "Can you take Noah upstairs?" You went to pick up your son. "Hi sweetheart." You placed him in Chris's hands. "Go with daddy for now."

"Mommy!" Your son tried to give you a kiss on your cheek, but ended up slobbering on your face. Then he was off upstairs.

You turned your attention back to Spencer. "What the hell is wrong with you?" You asked. "Shouldn't you be with the team? Because the job always came first didn't it?"

Spencer rubbed his eyes. "You faked your death?"

"Why are you here!?" You asked with a frustrated sigh. 

"Why?" Spencer croaked. "I thought you were dead." His voice was cracking as he was on his way to tears streaming.

You went over to the couch and popped some pills in your mouth. "They're for the pain. I don't get addicted like some people." You explained when you saw Spencer looking at you. "Turns out a truck can cause real damage to your internal organs, but you probably already knew that." You swallowed down some water. "Noah was a miracle, my miracle baby."

"So he is mine?" 

"No Spencer he's not, genetically yes he is, but you will never be his father." You spat.

"What?" Spencer raised a brow. "He is MY son!"

"You gave up that right the second you spoke on that damn payphone!" You yelled. "Giving her the time that should've been with me!" You shook your head. "And for what? She took a bullet to the head anyway." You knew about the whole situation from your sister. 

He looked to the ground. "I loved you, I love you." 

"Don't you ever say you fucking love me!" You screamed. "All those times I stayed up for your ass! And where were you? Right! You were at the fucking payphone!" 

Spencer was speechless as he listen to you speak. You were right he was pathetic and nothing could make up for what he did. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" Your arms for crossed. "I forgave you because I thought I was gonna die, but in reality..." You shrugged. "I fucking hate you."

"Can I see him?" Spencer was holding back the tears. "Can I see Noah?"

"No." You said. "I don't want you in our lives."

That really destroyed Spencer. "Y/n..." He started.

"Get out." You pointed to the door. "And don't you ever come back." 

He wasn't gonna go down without a fight. "Please..."

"Get out!" You picked up an empty vase and threw it at the wall near him. "Leave!" You were sobbing now. Chris had ran down the stairs to see what was going on. 

Spencer looked at you once before heading out the door. He made this bed and he was sleeping in it now. 

A/N: SO this was wildly requested and I had a feeling for it.

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